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Strive for Power

Fantasy Slave Management/RPG Erotic Game · By Strive4Power

my sugestions - gui/gameplay

A topic by evilus created Sep 15, 2018 Views: 803 Replies: 21
Viewing posts 1 to 12

Make text size selectable for info about your girls/boys in right corner and/or make posible text to fill multiple lines, since manytimes it runs out of screen with no idea how long it will be before girl will return to mansion.  or just make more physical space here for that text.

when interaction with girls in base screen (q) - pls sive here some hint that sex is unloked, it will make managing of more chars easier. (just colored letter s will be helpful :) ).

add to this q screen new icon - end turn report (or call it whatever you want), just got one "funny" situation - one girl complaied that she is unhappy with accomodation, and demand personal room...and i forgot her name, and there is no way situation to find which girl it was.

incease number of personal rooms to 15, instead of only 10, it will ease up managing of high lvl "bordelo".

and more chat option with girls , like finding way how to solve if one hate each other..etc.

make posible for bisexual girls to relase thier lust with each other, higher chance if one sleep in private room/your bed than in common rooms.

add some info/folders in which to copy new pic for portraits/bodys .

(2 edits)

when interaction with girls in base screen (q) - pls sive here some hint that sex is unloked, it will make managing of more chars easier. (just colored letter s will be helpful :) ).

slave > statistics

add to this q screen new icon - end turn report (or call it whatever you want), just got one "funny" situation - one girl complaied that she is unhappy with accomodation, and demand personal room...and i forgot her name, and there is no way situation to find which girl it was.

right from end day button

add some info/folders in which to copy new pic for portraits/bodys .

AppData\Roaming\Strive ???

lol, lazerus.

i know that i can look at slve-statistic for anything that i want, but this screen is not avaivable when i using anothreen sceer - in this case interaction.

for that log - yeah, i found that icon now, but is "invisible"

for extra pics - well, usualy they are put under original game directory, if they are put under documents forlder somewhere, it is inconvient and sometimes can even cause troubles.

and because i was responding to you , i forgot what idea i wanted to add, lol.

Personally I find the mods and portraits being in the appdata folder convenient, it means fo each new versio ni can extrac tit to a fresh directory to avoid issues with th eold, and still have the old ready, but both will still use my portraits.  You can change the folders it uses for portraits, bodies, and mods to be subfolders of the game if you wish.

Maybe it could be improved though to have a "directories" section in the settings to more easily access all 3 of these, and maybe have a shortcut button to use the current directory?

For the Windows release, the game could also include a shortcut to the %APPDATA%\Strive  folder, and then people can just double click that to get there?

exactly, if all directories for mods - extra pics are directly in game folder, under say mods/  pics portraits/bodys - it will keep issueless tranfer from old version to new version.

Yes, that button should have some icon. There's also another button that should deserve some recognition, the last events report (not a real button, just move the mouse pointer over it):

oh yea, i now rembered add one more slot at char equiping just for jeverly (rings/amulets), so that we can use traveling bag and jewerly at same time. I know, you can say game balance, i will reply more fun.

(3 edits)

and another idea, add new room type "royal chamber"- just 2 on mansion - it will provide best posible luxury (same as your chamber? - it is here best luxury? not sure, since i did have girl in my personal bed...and she complained on lack of luxury) , and best thing - it will be room for 2 persons, so therer will be room for 2 best friends girls, or they will become best friends... it will be good way to solve when girls hate each other...or they will have great argument in one will try to kill another for so many interesing events.

and another - when zou are modifiing slave, which  will take some of his hp..pls give is warning if his health is low and it is chance he will not survive operation...since i forgot to heal low hp slave..only to get him killed by operation, and it was very rare species...and my last save was more than 1 hour ago.

and pls add some items/armors/outfits suitable for males too, especialy for master (player) - since other than luxury pants/undervear he have nothing to wear...and having buttler/maid outfit is not ideal...same for kimono or other girls wardobe.

and just experimenting with pics for game..VERY VERY pls add tags for male/female/futa pics..since it is not realy ideal to see male chars wih female portraits or even bodies.

As for your dead slave, couldn't you recover him/her through your most recent autosave? There should be three of them.
As last resort, you could open an old save, copy the code portion relative to your slave and past it into your current save.

I moved on, it is shame, but it happen. and here comes another idea, you should learn speel resurection for obvious use...or use for that services of some witch/shaman, which unlock after doing some mission for him.

And with this comed my idea which i wanted to polst elsewhere - currenty we have here only child/teen/adult age, and i think it is time to add another one - old. for obvious reason :). and with that can come another sideline plot - you will find old hag, which telly ou that she is cursed beautifull princes and if you fullfil mission for her, you will break curse...and last mission will be of course sex with her...only to discover she lied to you and she is only just genuine old hag, and tricked you to sex and doing jobs for her.

And another idea, pls make posible to make sterile males too, not only for womans. it is very simple,  i want to do orgyies with males and femaless...but to be sure that all posible children will be mine, after all, it is me who will pay for raising them, so they should be mine .).

yeah i know, i can use herbal anticonception for males too, but i want someting more reliable, which will not need upkeep.

and if posible, expand "basic filters" you have in game for items, i know now we have 4 types - general stuff, poitions, ingredients, wearable...and thats not ideal, especialy if you have more of stuff. i now about existing search mode, but that is not ideal, especialy if you want to compare multiple different items of same type - e.q different weapons or clothes.

will love if under all these 4 main categories there will be small separate subcategories like - essences only, weapons only, clothes only, jeverly only..etc. you got idea.

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You can search by effect name, i.e. 'agility' will show items with agility bonuses.

thats nice to know, but it dont solve problem if i dont exactly know what i have :). like i want to give my girl magical long sword...and yet i dont know what effect it have, or even if own him in first place (it was magic dager and not sword).

and yes, i know, that adding these subcategories will be big coding task (creating icons for them, coding position, adding tags to items..etc), but it wil be good for gameplay and quality of life. mayby task for big update :).

it is here any guide where find what is what ?

i mean, it is good that e.q trait pretty voice is giving bonus to vocal tasks...but which ones are they ? same for tanuki kin - racial trait is they give bonus to store tasks..but again which ones are they ?

and list can go on and on. It will be ideal is some king of info/"wiki" pedia will be integrated to game.


open with notepad ++




nice info about that traits on wiki...but it dont give much more info about thier real effects. e,q on that pretty voice - it just list that effect on them need to be confrimed, but yet, it say nothing about which occupations/works they are.

and will REALY love when starting new game, player should give more traits to his slave, than just only one, say max 3 - 2 positive+1 negative, or more negative ones, and to get 2 positive you rely have to select hegative too.

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You must dig into the code, as suggested by d.stu: open the file, find the effects and look for them inside the ".gd" files.
For instance the effect of "Pretty voice" is "pretty_voice": since no .gd script mentions it, the trait is still not implemented (most likely).
If you open "jobs&" instead, under "storewimborn(person)" you will read:

    if person.race.find("Tanuki")>=0:
        bonus = bonus + 0.3
        supplyprice += 1

which means that a Tanuki, when working at the Winborn market, earns more gold (+30%) and sells supplies at a higher price (?).

another idea, lets add more random traits, like royal blood / famous person..etc - with coresponding events if you capture/save her. like  saving royal blood will give you some nice favor from roayl family...but it will make her extremly popular girls in bordelo.. and coresponding wraith from her family (even if they hated her, it is all about prestige).

or it can be famous bandit leader, martial art master, top noble traveling in disguise....etc. options are limitless.

add 69 position for sex positions.

And standing sex, from front and from behind.