After many sessions of combat, we recognized a few "issues" i want to adress in this post.
The first is just a small editing "problem" we run into. Its not big or very impactfull and maybe its just because i am used to so much other games that handle this differnt, but we feel, that its not very "natural" to roll under a given stat. Equal or less just fells more organic. But this is realy just a oppinion.
The second is considering Momentum. Maybe we read the rules incorrect, but tracking momentum for every model seperate plays not very smooth, so we made Momentum a pool that every model can use.
And last, the penalty for cover. I think a one point disadvantage for the shooting model is enough, not one point per covering piece of terrain. Hitting someone with shooting is already difficult enough.
Of course, this are just a few things we recognized and only our opinnion.
Keep on raiding!