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A topic by Dante999 created Jul 20, 2023 Views: 343 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 5
(1 edit)

After many sessions of combat, we recognized a few "issues" i want to adress in this post.

The first is just a small editing "problem" we run into. Its not big or very impactfull and maybe its just because i am used to so much other games that handle this differnt, but we feel, that its not very "natural" to roll under a given stat. Equal or less just fells more organic. But this is realy just a oppinion.

The second is considering Momentum. Maybe we read the rules incorrect, but tracking momentum for every model seperate plays not very smooth, so we made Momentum a pool that every model can use.

And last, the penalty for cover. I think a one point disadvantage for the shooting model is enough, not one point per covering piece of terrain. Hitting someone with shooting is already difficult enough.

Of course, this are just a few things we recognized and only our opinnion.

Keep on raiding!


This feedback is super great! Thanks so much for taking the time to note it all down, I really appreciate it and it'll help in errata for the game :) 

Another three little points that popped up in our last match:

Can miniatures move through other miniatures? 

Block miniatures line of sight? 

What about jumping down from a elevation? 


s in. I've uploaded a slightly tweaked rules now, taking some of your feedback into consideration, so thank you. I've also clarified some of the below aside from jumping down. That's more of where the Golden Rule comes in. I'd say if you can't climb down you'd essentially fall.

(1 edit)

Checked it and I think there is a typo under claiming objectives. A part of the sentence at the bottom looks missing. 

I real appreciate the rolling equal or under! 

Oh, and regarding unholy scavengers, does the enemy gets 2 defense roll for tear apart and blood sacrifice or are undefended wounds increased? 

Developer (1 edit)

Good catch, the top of the column had cut it off. I've uploaded a fixed version. 

For those special rules, the extra wound just gets added without a defence roll

Hi everyone  
I am a beginner in the miniature wargame hobby and 
I am interested in playing DEAD GODS. 
However, I don't understand the modifiers in this ruleset. 
So I want to ask a few things:  
1.) What is meant by positive (+) and negative (-) modifiers in this game?  
2.) What does F- mean in Character Stats like Champion and B4+ in Slayer  
Sorry for my bad english馃檹

Hi Ahmad, thanks for posting. I'm flattered that you want to begin your wargaming journey with DEAD GODS and I'm more than happy to clarify.

In this game, the higher the stat, the better. You have to roll equal to or under a stat to succeed. This means that a negative modifier like -1 will reduce that roll by 1, which is a good thing. 

On the reverse having a +1 modifier to the roll isn't good because it increases your die roll. This is why the rules call this a penalty. 

F- just means that character doesn't have the Firing stat, so they're unable to make ranged attacks. 

For the Slayer special feature the B4+ means having a Battle of 4 or more. So a model with the Slayer ability is going to be more effective against models with high Battle. 

Oh thank you friends for the explanation. I found DEAD GODS a few months ago and started reading the ruleset. I was then interested to trying it because the ruleset was simple, but I haven't confidence to ask some things that I didn't understand because I had just started this hobby. So thank you for the explanation friends, and I can't wait for SOLO MODE馃榿馃榿馃榿

Soo... We did a few test-runs for some rules that where a bit confusing or not-so-well balanced and this are what we concluded:

-On another post, we had some discusions about the Brute ability. As it is written, its a bit... boring. We Changed itso, that not the defender gets a -1 to defence, but rather an attacked enemy +1 to defense, making him easier to get wounded.

-The Seer ability is not 100% free of misinterpretation. We tryed various methods and concluded that: giving every model, including the Seer an passed activation dice, regardless of what was rolled, makes models virtualy immortal. Just too strong. Making a activation dice a 6, regardless what is rolled, is not to unbalanced, but makes models hard to kill. What workes best for us was, that Seer gives models an aditional succesfull activation die, when the model manages to activate. Or in short, models in range have 2 activations when at least one dice shows a succes.

Another little detail I encoutered recently...

In the tomb scenario you dont roll for activation for the spawned ghouls, so how do you kill them? Maybe chang their default two activations to a roll? Or let them be activated by the players like in the moonbeast scenario?