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A member registered Jul 18, 2023

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Another little detail I encoutered recently...

In the tomb scenario you dont roll for activation for the spawned ghouls, so how do you kill them? Maybe chang their default two activations to a roll? Or let them be activated by the players like in the moonbeast scenario?

I realy would love that!

Sounds cool! Looking foreward for new content!

My newest Warbands. The Brotherhood of the Black Maw. 

Soo... We did a few test-runs for some rules that where a bit confusing or not-so-well balanced and this are what we concluded:

-On another post, we had some discusions about the Brute ability. As it is written, its a bit... boring. We Changed itso, that not the defender gets a -1 to defence, but rather an attacked enemy +1 to defense, making him easier to get wounded.

-The Seer ability is not 100% free of misinterpretation. We tryed various methods and concluded that: giving every model, including the Seer an passed activation dice, regardless of what was rolled, makes models virtualy immortal. Just too strong. Making a activation dice a 6, regardless what is rolled, is not to unbalanced, but makes models hard to kill. What workes best for us was, that Seer gives models an aditional succesfull activation die, when the model manages to activate. Or in short, models in range have 2 activations when at least one dice shows a succes.


Another interesting idea is, to decrease the enemy Defence instead of increasing the own. Makes the ability a little more stand out. 

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You're right. It's a bit redundant. But with this ability, Golems are the only models with a 4 in defense except champion and uniques.

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I think, when you can even turn a double fail into one success, this can make models immortal as long as the Seer is near, which does not sound too balanced. 

In this case would change of the rules text to

Change a single activation roll to a one

Solve this problem.

And the text as is implicates, that the model must be successfully activated, that's why I was a bit confused. 

Got a bit time today, building some warbands, and I have a question about the Seer ability. 

Am I right, that is ability only gives you a successful activation, when you didn't fumble the activation, so giving a model with just one action two? 

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Arg! You tempt me to give Games Cutthroat more money... 

Dat look guud! 

Mercenarys sounds like a very good idea! Something apart from all this crazy cult lunatics! 

My Witchhunters are roughly oriented in this direction. 

Another good source are Frostgrave, Perry miniatures, Wargames Atlantic or Mantic. By far cheaper than Games Workshop (but I agree, their Underworlds and Warcry minis are wonderful), and ideal for kitbashing, like this guy. 

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Checked it and I think there is a typo under claiming objectives. A part of the sentence at the bottom looks missing. 

I real appreciate the rolling equal or under! 

Oh, and regarding unholy scavengers, does the enemy gets 2 defense roll for tear apart and blood sacrifice or are undefended wounds increased? 

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Yeah! This totally made my day! 

Table looks great!

Having lots of concealing terrain are a absolute must use, especially against shooting heavy warbands. 

Yeah, it needs some houserules here and there, but for me the simplicity was one of the buying points. 

Another three little points that popped up in our last match:

Can miniatures move through other miniatures? 

Block miniatures line of sight? 

What about jumping down from a elevation? 

Ruined monastery from Battle Systems and some bits from lord of the rings. 

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So... Looks like i am the first one to post a report... 

We had Ludlov and his Monster Hunters against some vile Ratkin in a ruined monastery. 

It was quiet a close call for the Hunters! At first, both Partys spread out to secure relics. By turn 3 our leaders met at the upper right corner of the map, fighting a prolonged duel for 6 (!) rounds. Ultimately master Ludlov was beaten by the enemy. The rest of the warband secured relics, 1 for the Hunters and 2 for the Ratkin. By the end it was only the Rat leader vs the knight and the dog. Pursued by both the rat men succumbed to his wound only one move away from safety. 

A victory for the Hunters, but such a close one! 2 relics for the rats, 3 for the Hunters... 

A real funny match today! 

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After many sessions of combat, we recognized a few "issues" i want to adress in this post.

The first is just a small editing "problem" we run into. Its not big or very impactfull and maybe its just because i am used to so much other games that handle this differnt, but we feel, that its not very "natural" to roll under a given stat. Equal or less just fells more organic. But this is realy just a oppinion.

The second is considering Momentum. Maybe we read the rules incorrect, but tracking momentum for every model seperate plays not very smooth, so we made Momentum a pool that every model can use.

And last, the penalty for cover. I think a one point disadvantage for the shooting model is enough, not one point per covering piece of terrain. Hitting someone with shooting is already difficult enough.

Of course, this are just a few things we recognized and only our opinnion.

Keep on raiding!

Take your time. When it's done, it's done. 

But, what do you think about a beta version? Getting some more testing and feedback may help you accelerating the work. 

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Ludloff and his trusty retinue of Hunters, ready to cleanse the lands of sinners and secure relics for the High Shepherd!


I just wanted to ask, if there is a release Termin for the supplement. 

I am so looking forward for more content!