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Need refund for fake paid tileset

A topic by Moltres Rider created Sep 30, 2023 Views: 668 Replies: 12
Viewing posts 1 to 8

This tileset:

The creator claims it is RPG Maker format but it clearly is not! The tilesets do not work in RPG Maker because they are not the right format.

RPG Maker has always had that A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B C D E thing but the creator put literally everything in one image. There is no animated waterfalls or anything else.

This tileset is meant for something other than RPG Maker despite the creator claiming it is for RPG Maker.

This tileset is completely unusable in any RPG Maker version. The creator claims it is for MV but it clearly is not.

From the looks of the comments, the owner has not replied to a single comment or question ever. This leads me to suspect that this was a deliberate misstatement of it being for RPG Maker.


Maybe read the description again.

There is not stated that it is pre formatted for rpg maker mv, only that a sample map is included.

Can't you import the tile set? I literally have no experience in rpg maker, but I can use the internet. Look here. The guy just imports the bare png files and has a tiles set. Can't you do that?

It is totally the wrong aspect ratio for RPG Maker for starters,

Second, RPG Maker has "categories" for tilesets and they need to be laid out a certain way. The PNG files in that pack are so bad that my expert-level Photoshop skills cannot fix even it


Please compare those two descriptions.

(another project of the same creator)

These tiles are originally arranged in 24 x 24 pixel grid and work well in
Tiled Map Editor. This pack also includes version formatted to use in RPGMaker MV.

(The one you complain about)

It includes a 24 x 24px tileset, a cliff, 3 types of tress and animated waterfall.
This pack also includes a sample map made using Rpg Maker MV

It seems clear to me, what you complain about is not true. The asset was not advertised as ready to use for rpgmaker mv. And since there was a map made with those tiles in rpg maker mv, it stands to reason that those tiles can still be used in that app, despite not being formatted to used there.

You just do not know how, yet. Maybe put your expert photoshop skills aside for a moment and read some guides for rpg maker mv, how to use pixel art that was not custom built for rmmv. It sounds to me, that you to not see the forest for the trees.


Either way, to ask for a refund please contact support.

(2 edits) (+1)

Before asking for a refund it is customary to ask the author to amend his product.

Make it clear how the product does not match the description and give him the opportunity to correct.

As of now the page claims:
"It includes a 24 x 24px tileset, a cliff, 3 types of tress and animated waterfall."

Nothing about RPG maker.

"This pack also includes a sample map made using Rpg Maker MV."


Putting something like that highly implies it is for RPG Maker.


I read your thread on rpgmakerweb. Since that thread is closed, you will not find validation here. You are in the wrong.

Buying a 24x24 tile set, clearly advertised as 24x24, and then whining that you can not use it in an app that uses 48x48. Oh wait, you do not even have that app, you need it for a different app, that uses 32x32. What a drama.

"Rpg Maker"

There's your problem m8. You wouldn't be having these problems* if you were using Unreal Engine. Or Unity but that thing has a bad rep nowadays.

For UE, tiles can be any size, probably in Unity as well.

*Instead you'd have completely different problems, like conditioning the sprite sheet and paper2d.

I just realized.

"It includes a 24 x 24px tileset, a cliff, 3 types of tress and animated waterfall."

My bolding/italic. Fairly certain the pack doesn't contain 3 types of "tress" and OP should totally get a refund.


Stop letting your ahamkara control you.

Here's some CBT questions that I've found very helpful:

  • What alternative ways are there of viewing this situation?
  • Are there any thinking errors in the initial thoughts? If so what might be an alternative balanced thought?
  • What does the evidence suggest? What evidence shows the automatic thought is true or not? What does the evidence say about the alternative thoughts?
  • If xxx was in the situation and had this thought, what would I tell him? What would they tell me?
  • What experiences have I had that show this thought isn't true all the time?
  • Five years from now, if I look back at this situation, how will I view it?
  • What's the effect of my believing the automatic thought? What could be the effect of changing my thinking?

I try to stick with sound reasoning. You have premise and formal reasoning. If reasoning has formal error, there is a problem. It is almost like maths. If 1+1 is 11, you made a mistake. But many people forget to check the premise. Because in Roman numbers, I + I actually is II. 

The hard part is, to apply that to your own arguments. Too often emotion is the driving factor. Not the accuracy of any facts. So you start with your unfounded opinion, the automatic thought, and try to justify it after the fact. Instead of building up from the ground and arriving at a founded opinion.

To use this thread as an example, OP was angry because the thing did not work out as expected and overlooked his own mistake. Lashing out in anger, making threads on at least two forums. When made aware of his factual error about the supposedly wrong description, he backpaddled to claiming, he was mislead. Still justifying his initial anger, instead of admitting the mistake. He even invoked an appeal to authority (a fallacy). He claimed his own expert level photoshop skills, to show that the assets could not be made to work, arguing that it must be still the assets that are at fault.


I tried sticking with sound reasoning, but I've got too many cognitive distortions for that to work which is why I'm using cognitive restructuring instead.

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