I've just released my game and checked my Analytics page.
No Gross Revenue, but 5 Downloads.
Is it normal or do I have to do something in my dashboard page?
I'm worrying that I missed something.
Thank you!
Hey, sorry for not getting back sooner. I checked the logs for your project and it's your account that downloaded it 5 times. Perhaps you installed it from the app to test it? That would count as a download. Other potential reasons is that you downloaded it for free while the page was restricted or in draft. Hope that explains, thanks.
Yes, I installed it from the app to test it! But it was only once. So I wrote this post.
And I didn't downloaded it for free while the page was restricted or in draft.
I think that I installed it only once, but the app requested it 5 times.
This is a possible theory that can explain both of my memory and the logs.
Thank you for checking the logs for me.
yeah I did the same, and mine seems to be working, but mine is a "donation" so people don't have to pay.. not sure whats wrong, it looks like you've done everything right, perhaps it is just the analytics are behind?
I'm not too familiar with itch io's support, but I would suggest your next step would be to ask the admins directly to see if they can shed any light on it.
Go to this link while logged in: https://itch.io/user/settings/press
and it is the box for: "Opt my games into itch.io's press system"