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Magic Circle Generator

A completely customizable magic circle builder · By Game Dev Goose

Smallest Export Resolution?

A topic by Crayware created Oct 22, 2023 Views: 135 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 2

I am working on a low resolution pixel art game, in the 320x240 range, of which any magic circles I include would be only a further fraction of that, possibly just double figures.
I am interested in the program, but wondering what the lowest export resolution from the program itself is before I would have to export it to another program and downscale it, or is there no minimum? Thanks


It's not really designed for pixel art as at the moment. The antialiasing makes the images blurry at anything smaller than 128x128. I've attached some example exports at 128, 64, and 32 pixels


(3 edits)

Thanks for the fast reply. *For some reason the attachments are not showing up on the page for me* But dont worry, I know how bad low res pixels look with AA.
128 would probably be ok, but can you turn off AA? I know you get distorted rotation effects at lower resolutions, but I would rather export and touch up distorted clean pixels than smoother blurry ones, or is AA just on permanently? Thanks again.


AA is always on. I'll see if it's possible to turn it into a setting, but no promises for now. (I just realized that I exported the images as a white color, so they might just be blending into the background of the website if you're not in dark mode)

Ha yes they are just white! Oh yes classic AA artefacts..
If it is possible, I think it would be an important addition. A huge amount of devs, especially on here, are working at lower resolutions. If you do pls let me know! Thanks again