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Game Dev Goose

A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Plenty of fonts provide custom character sets: has some cool ones. They effectively replace the normal letter characters with custom symbols. You'll need to download and install the font on your system to make it show up in the list. You'll sometimes have to restart your computer after installing the font in order to get it to load properly. You should then be able to select it under Text Settings > Font. Let me know if that helps!

Hi, you can change your font via Text Settings > Font Selector. It can read the fonts you have installed on your system if you're using the executable version. If you're using the web version, you'll need to click the "Load Local Fonts" button first.  You can download each layer of the circle individually via the "Export Layers as PNGs" option. 

 The column of light is supposed to be transparent, but if it's opaque and purple it hints at a material issue. You'll have to generate the circle in the tool and import them into your unity project. Then set the image in the material to the circle you imported.

Hi, what version of Unity and render pipeline are you using? The example scene was made with Universal Rendering Pipeline in v2021.1.

Hi, thanks for letting me know. I've just fixed the issue and I will post a patched version of 1.0.6 before the end of the day

I'm not associated with Ebon, sorry

Not currently, but that is an excellent suggestion. I'll add it to the to-do list!

Can you email the json file to me at so I can take a look at why it might not be loading?

By default, a circle is always generated. You can select and delete all the rings (except Ring 0) and add them manually using the + and - buttons that appear when you select a ring.

AA is always on. I'll see if it's possible to turn it into a setting, but no promises for now. (I just realized that I exported the images as a white color, so they might just be blending into the background of the website if you're not in dark mode)

It's not really designed for pixel art as at the moment. The antialiasing makes the images blurry at anything smaller than 128x128. I've attached some example exports at 128, 64, and 32 pixels


Yeah I should be able to add a "Max Fill" field in the future. For now,  you might be able to mess with the draw start time and draw end time fields then set the Drawing Progress Preview value to a lower value to create an incomplete circle

You can use the circles you make as part of a creative work that is for-profit. You can put it right on the cover and sell a trillion copies with no problem. You can generate millions of images and use them in a game with no problem. 

I'm mainly concerned with preventing people from spamming itch, game dev market, and other platforms with asset packs like "2000 unique magic circle asset pack" and I don't want anyone to scam people with "Magic Circle NTFs" 

Yeah I agree, I'll look into paginating the fonts and maybe adding in a font search bar 

Thats quite a few fonts you've got! There shouldn't be a limit to the number of fonts it'll load, but you're far outside of the range that I've tested it with.  What version are you running? If you're running windows, try clicking help > debug in the menu to show the error log. Or if you're running it in the browser try right clicking > inspect > console. Then with the debug window open, try loading your fonts and let me know if an error message pops up in there.   

If you're using the windows version, you double-click the magic-circle-generator.exe, or if you're using the web version you double-click the index.html

There isn't really a way to do that right now. I could look into adding a width+rotation override, but that might have to be on a per-position basis or I could add a couple of selection boxes that apply to the whole ring that control the upper and lower connection points. Do you have a preference?

If you're using the windows version, you double-click the magic-circle-generator.exe, or if you're using the web version you double-click the index.html

The value is in radians, so for 45 degrees it would be 0.785398. I'll make a note to update that field to use degrees instead.

Sorry to hear that. I'm wondering if there is something unique about the circle you're trying to print. Can you save your circle and send the circle.json file to so i can see what might be going wrong?

Sorry to hear you're having issues, can you email your circle config json file to Also which gif are you trying to export: rotation or drawing? Also how long and how many frames are you trying to export? 

I do plan on releasing a Unity port in the near future, but it will likely be a couple of months before it is available. I'm open to working with a contractor to speed the process along. If thats something you're interested in, feel free to send an email to

My guess is there is an error loading the saved data from the demo version. Can you email the .json save file to so I can take a look? Also does the font not load if you create a new circle, or does it just happen with loaded files?

Hmmm looks like there is an issue with the outer ring. I'm going focus on adding functionality to the outer ring in the next update. Until then, as a work around you can add a sub-ring and disable everything except the text and resize it to fit around the rest of your circle and you should be able to rotate that. 

I couldn't even last 3 minutes before I got swashbuckled. Good game!  

Fun puzzles! The sea monsters confused me at first, but over the levels I came to understand them. The sea monsters and I even go out for a grog every now and then lol

(1 edit)

As of v1.0.5, If you're using the web version its "Export Layers as PNGs" or in the exe its File > Export Layers. Hope that helps!

It was supposed to be released, The files were hidden for some reason. Sorry about that!!!

OMG, it's totally my bad. The 1.0.6 versions were hidden for some reason. Really sorry about that! They should be downloadable now. Thanks for pointing that out!

I'm planning a revamp of that at some point, if not in the next update, then probably in the one after next. For now you can hide it in the advanced edit section and make the 2nd circle have the number of points you want to get different shape

No, sorry. I dont have a Mac. 

It's all just beautiful equations :)

Okay, yup its an issue with the program reading these two specific Unicode characters☁️⚗️as 4 symbols instead of 2.  For now, you could try using these ☁⚗ and I'll make sure to fix this in the next version.

I'm trying to reproduce it, but I haven't managed to get it to happen yet. Could you send me the circle_data.json file (to or post a screenshot of your circle with the settings for that subcircle? 

So there are two possible options for symbols. The first is the symbols that show up on axis of symmetry if you have "Symbols At Points" checked. That one there should only ever be as many symbols as there are points(So I'm guessing you have Symmetry Count set to 8) the other option is to check "Symbol Ring" which will use all of the text in the "Symbol Text" field. Hopefully, that makes sense?

Under Text Settings > Fonts there is a dropdown to select the font. The center symbol should be resized with the  ring symbols in the latest version :)


So you can import/export circle settings in JSON, but there's no built-in way to batch-create them, although it shouldn't be too hard to implement. I believe there is a way to do it with automated browser scripting, but I've never tried it, so you would be in uncharted waters. It's also possible to write some custom JS functions and run them from the inspector in chrome, but you'd have to reverse-engineer the code which technically goes against the license. But a custom license is always an option :)

I'm considering making an asset for Unity based on this. Maybe other engines far off in the future.

The font in that input field updates with the font you set under Text Settings > Font. My guess is the font you're using replaces the normal alphanumeric characters? Do you mind sending me a link to the font you're using? If your font isn't the cause, does the same thing happen when you just type into the field, rather than paste?

Can you paste the text you're trying to get in a reply to this?