I think you're running into either a windows permissions issue, or a browser incompatibility issue. The browser version should request permission to load your local fonts before doing so, but some ad-blocker or anti-virus could be blocking the fonts from loading. It uses a relatively new feature not available in all browsers yet, but it should be supported in recent versions of Chrome and Edge.
This doesn't explain the desktop version not loading fonts, as it loads them in a different way... I'll keep investigating.
Game Dev Goose
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Hi, Sorry it took so long to respond, I was hoping to have the next build out with a permanent fix by now, but alas.
So your file isn't loading in properly due to a negative symmetry count on the last ring. In line 173 of your JSON file, there is this text:
"symmetryCount": -4,
If you change it to:
"symmetryCount": 4,
Your file should load in properly.
The current version of the UI still allows this value to go negative even though it's not intended to. It'll have a permanent fix in the next release.
Hey LegoFiend12, it sounds like you're having trouble finding the .exe. You may have moved or deleted it by accident. You can try checking the installation folder or wherever you originally downloaded it to. If it’s still available, the file path should look something like C:\Users\your_name\Downloads\magic-circle-generator-win32-x64-1.0.6\magic-circle-generator.exe
. If you don't see it, you might want to try redownloading it. Hope that helps!
Plenty of fonts provide custom character sets: https://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=706 has some cool ones. They effectively replace the normal letter characters with custom symbols. You'll need to download and install the font on your system to make it show up in the list. You'll sometimes have to restart your computer after installing the font in order to get it to load properly. You should then be able to select it under Text Settings > Font. Let me know if that helps!
Hi, you can change your font via Text Settings > Font Selector. It can read the fonts you have installed on your system if you're using the executable version. If you're using the web version, you'll need to click the "Load Local Fonts" button first. You can download each layer of the circle individually via the "Export Layers as PNGs" option.
You can use the circles you make as part of a creative work that is for-profit. You can put it right on the cover and sell a trillion copies with no problem. You can generate millions of images and use them in a game with no problem.
I'm mainly concerned with preventing people from spamming itch, game dev market, and other platforms with asset packs like "2000 unique magic circle asset pack" and I don't want anyone to scam people with "Magic Circle NTFs"
Thats quite a few fonts you've got! There shouldn't be a limit to the number of fonts it'll load, but you're far outside of the range that I've tested it with. What version are you running? If you're running windows, try clicking help > debug in the menu to show the error log. Or if you're running it in the browser try right clicking > inspect > console. Then with the debug window open, try loading your fonts and let me know if an error message pops up in there.
Hmmm looks like there is an issue with the outer ring. I'm going focus on adding functionality to the outer ring in the next update. Until then, as a work around you can add a sub-ring and disable everything except the text and resize it to fit around the rest of your circle and you should be able to rotate that.
So there are two possible options for symbols. The first is the symbols that show up on axis of symmetry if you have "Symbols At Points" checked. That one there should only ever be as many symbols as there are points(So I'm guessing you have Symmetry Count set to 8) the other option is to check "Symbol Ring" which will use all of the text in the "Symbol Text" field. Hopefully, that makes sense?