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(OUTDATED) Suggestions for V1.0.2 Sticky Locked

A topic by CreeperExplodeMakesGames1 created Dec 30, 2023 Views: 271 Replies: 8
This topic was locked by CreeperExplodeMakesGames1 Feb 07, 2024

Outdated: V1.0.2 has already released.

Viewing posts 1 to 6
Developer (3 edits)

This is the topic I want you to suggest changes for V1.0.2 in the comments! Please only suggest minor changes, since that's what the update is going to be meant to make. I want the update to make all the minor changes so work can start on the major ones. Wait till my older brother plans to release V1.1 before suggesting major changes.

Developer (10 edits) (+1)

Here are some changes my older brother is planning to do right now:

1. Make It's a Bully's map icon disappear when inactive

2. Fix stretched out and smushed ceiling textures

3. Change the color of a duplicate red notebook to yellow

4. Have a translucent black background and pause audio in the pause screen.

5. Pause non-YCTP audio when solving YCTP problems.

6. Fix the invisible credits entries.

7. Change the text shown on the free run sign pole

8. Simply make the player unable to move during the elevator sequence instead of a player holder

9. Rework how the player speed multiplier works to fix bugs like eating a Chewsi Speedy Bar, then getting touched by 0th Prize before the bar effect ends, without cancelling it, which leads to the player prematurely being able to move.

10. Nerf the portable tape player (currently a knockoff of Alarm Clock that activates much earlier).

11. More refactoring

(1 edit) (+1)

Those sound like good improvements. Here's another one I'd like to suggest:

  • Adding a settings screen to the main menu, which would include an option to change the inventory slot design between the default BFNS one and the inventory slot design from BFNS Remastered.

And the settings button could use the design from older versions of BFNS Remastered.

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

That seems good too! I hope you can give my brother the highlighted sprite as well, as well an updated free run sign pole texture, which reads something like this:
Welcome to Free Run Mode!

You can freely explore the school without Baldi chasing you, and the exits have new music as well!"

EDIT: About the settings button, he decided that it'll be added in V1.1, which will add a settings menu.


Alright, here is the highlighted version of the settings button, along with an updated version of the unhighlighted settings button with slightly larger image dimensions. And also an updated free run sign texture as well.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! Also, my brother would love to know how to make textures like you do!

EDIT: Since this topic is now locked because of the release of V1.0.2, I want you to share your texture-making knowledge elsewhere.

(1 edit)

Possibly adding some L̴̛̛̛̺̘̯̳̱͋́̿̀̈̓̀̿͐͊̐̃̾̇̌͒̔̅͒͌̕͘͝ͅO̶͖̗̅͒̀̋͑̽͐̈͐͆͝Ŗ̶̨̛̛͉͉̬͖͉͈̲̙̬̹̻͔̖̩̫̠̪̥̞͙̓́̈́̑͊̔͊̂̄̈́̅̕͜͠ͅͅĘ̷͕̝̮͓̟̘̫̲̮͈̺̞̞̳͉̼̺̘̲̼̍͆͐̑̈́̎


V1.0.2 is for minor adjustments and improvements, not major stuff. Also, my brother isn't even sure if he wants to add more L̴̛̛̛̺̘̯̳̱͋́̿̀̈̓̀̿͐͊̐̃̾̇̌͒̔̅͒͌̕͘͝ͅO̶͖̗̅͒̀̋͑̽͐̈͐͆͝Ŗ̶̨̛̛͉͉̬͖͉͈̲̙̬̹̻͔̖̩̫̠̪̥̞͙̓́̈́̑͊̔͊̂̄̈́̅̕͜͠ͅͅĘ̷͕̝̮͓̟̘̫̲̮͈̺̞̞̳͉̼̺̘̲̼̍͆͐̑̈́̎ to the mod, and it already has a fair amount too.



Developer locked this topic