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How do i get over the first jump

A topic by onetuffcreampuff created Feb 01, 2024 Views: 653 Replies: 6
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im using an snes controller and i cant even get over the first wall, i feel like a game journalist help

the game requires second joystick (or second D-pad if you are brave enough) for camera control. Snes controller doesn't have anything like that.

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I can't get over the first jump either, been trying for 10 minutes. Sorry guys. I know it's made in a week but not having some direction for this impossible jump is cutting the corners a bit too much.  I've tried every combination of double jump and dash that I can see - the best I can get is she's blue and she's above the ledge but heading away from it so she can't land on it.

I even glitched through the wall to my death in my attempts.

According to the other reply, if 2nd thumbstick is required to move the camera 90 degrees to perform the jump, why doesn't the camera start out that way? Not that it helped, so not sure if that's the answer either.

I don't know the button you have to hold on your controller for this, but you're supposed to climb.

Thank you, yes. The game could do with a prompt or even just a controls listing on the main store page description.

lol its the same 3 controls as the main game with the inclusion of a camera to control via joystick

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Last time I played Celeste was on Pico 8, the original.