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PT inspired looping train carriages

A topic by Mr_Selfy created Feb 20, 2024 Views: 1,987 Replies: 7
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This one had a real interesting concept, and I was thoroughly impressed with the blurb on the developer page - although I got stumped a few times and had to backtrack/examine everything in each carriage. It's a slow build from flickering lights to the announcer on the PA system relaying information to the character, and by the time passengers start turning up with their pixelated faces the eeriness of the situation starts to crawl over you. 

Not entirely sure if I encountered a bug with the TV - my assumption is that when you turn it on there should be a puzzle clue or something to help you progress, but wasn't able to see this? Could just be my setup - but I couldn't get through a certain door and after attempting a few things (one involving a severed arm) I was still unable to proceed. 


  • Great graphical realism, encompassing the bodycam mechanic
  • Slow build into increasing trepidation and horror. 
  • Keeps the player engaged to find out more about what really happened


  • I couldn't seem to find a mouse sensitivity function in the menu - think controlling the character is very floaty.
  • Not sure if I was just stumped or a bug, but couldn't progress through one of the doors 
  • Middle mouse button as another 'interactive' button was initially confusing to learn - why not make 'E' the function for interacting with objects in the gameworld?

Would like to see how this one ends, so will be enjoying others on their playthroughs!

Developer (1 edit)

Oh man... that really sucks to hear. 

I'm really happy you enjoyed and I appreciate the honest criticism very much.

The dorr glitch is weird, to say the least, since I've tested and re-tested this build so many times. I've even sent it to some friends and they didn't encounter it. I'm really sorry you couldn't go past that door. Unreal Engine 5.3 is finnicky, to say the least.

I decided to not give you a mouse sensitivity option because I felt like having a bigger sensitivity would "ruin" the feel of the bodycam. Maybe I'm mistaken.

The middle mouse button as an alternative interact is necessary for some stuff, having E as an all around interaction button would kinda ruin some code. I'm sorry about that.

I will just remove the code that locks the door to begin with and release a patch. Again, sorry about that.

Thank you very much for playing, brother, God bless.

PS: it really sucks you didn't get to see the ending haha, I hope you will give the game another chance.


No problem at all - I always try to give fair critique to the games I play, and I'm always in awe of the time/dedication it takes to create them, in a lot of ways it's a collaboration between the designer and the consumer at the end of the day. Which can only lead to great things. At least I know now that the door was a glitch, and not my mind playing insidious tricks with me - as someone who used to do QA for a 'leading' game developer there's always going to be bugs in a release, so no problem there, either. If you're a one-person team then all hats off to you, you're doing a terrific job and may you continue with it. Great sense of putting tension/feel/atmospherics in the process. 

With regards to the mouse sensitivity, I'm just one person - see if anyone else feels the same way and take the statistics for your decision, although including it wouldn't hurt ya ;) 

Understand the need for having an alternative button - maybe there could be a poster in the carriage that 'without breaking the fourth wall' ;) lets the user know this without having to look at the menu screen? The more intuitive a feature, the better the result. But maybe I'm just a little dim when it comes to these things, as has already been pointed out to me in the video there was a gun underneath a chair and I didn't see it at all!


Thank you, brother, I really appreciate your kind words and your honest feedback, it helps a lot.
I'm not sure why people are experiencing some bugs while others aren't, it's pretty weird and kinda frustrating to be honest, after all the work I put into it haha. But oh well, can't do anything else than go forward. 

I did put up a fixed build that solved the door issue and some other small stuff people mentioned, if you feel inclined to see the ending. If not, I'm honestly happy you gave it a try anyway and left some good feedback.

Thanks again, God bless.


I am enjoying the game so far. I got to the point where im missing 1 arm and a head, I cant find them and keep looping the 2 cars where its extremely dark and guts all over the floor. Do I have to keep searching for the 2 parts? Its so hard to see


They are required yes. Look around, I'm sure that you will find them eventually, they're not really hidden. Minor Spoiler: The head is in a small bedside table in the first car, you will need to pick the lock to get it out. Do you not have the flashlight?


I do have the flashlight, just difficult to see in the 2 cars with people in them. I didnt even notice a bedside table lol. Ill give it another go here in a bit. Thank


No problem, man, thanks a lot for playing.