I've been checking out how easy it is for people to find my games on Itch and I was disappointed to find that the Search bar on Itch seems to put game titles and by-lines alone as the absolute top priority in the order it shows you games.
I know Itch has a tag-searching function under the Browse tab. But we all know the most common way for users to search content on sites is to use the standard, easily accessible, and always onscreen search bar.
Is this how people want discoverability on Itch to work?

While looking for ways to better present my games on Itch I find it very disappointing that my only option for climbing search results seem to be foregoing giving a title to them altogether. It's something very disheartening for a creator. Therefore the option I am choosing is to come here and bitch about it :)
My suggestions
- Take tags and other information such as meta-data and the Description more into consideration for the search result order.
- Limit the results that show up due to the title alone to 6 results (first row) or even less.
I am aware of the use case of someone coming on itch to find the page of a game they know the name for already. Of course, that person should be able to find the game they are looking for with ease.
I am tagging this thread as a discussion because I want to see if other people agree before trying to submit a suggestion. What are your thoughts on this matter, do you have further suggestions?