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A member registered Apr 10, 2016 · View creator page →

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No, I don't have the source code for this project anymore.

Check out the comment bellow, it might be helpful.

As far as I know it's a free Bump. Good luck with your collaboration!

Sorry AxalKay, I just can't afford to work for free right now. You should look into creating your own post to look for people looking to collaborate. Discord communities also should be a great place to look for collaborators.

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Hi folks, I am a Game developer with Unity(C#) and Unreal(C++) experience and currently studying Godot(GDScript). I've been making games, mostly kinky ones, and publishing them here on Itch for some time now. I love Action and Narrative games but am also interested in working with other genres. I am also open to working on 18+ adult games.

I am currently looking for a paid position as a game  programmer, but I can also double as an artist or tech artist on projects. As a programmer, I have worked with Gameplay, Systems, and UX programming. 

So Check Out My Portfolio and contact me and we can discuss your project and rates! It's mostly kinky and NSFW projects, but I am also open to working on safe for work games
Email me:
DM on Discord: violentfran

I am quite a newbie when it comes to looking for programming jobs and my portfolio is a bit out there. So please, if you have suggestions for my portfolio presentation or safe spaces where I could share it let me know! If you know someone looking for this type of work, please share my portfolio with them too.

All of that would be beyond me so I don't know. The only files available for the game are already here.
I am also a bit confused with your references to Linux. This was not built for Linux. It will run on Linux, Mac, and Windows because compiled Java can run on any platform that has a JVM(Java virtual machine). If you are trying to run this on a phone or something it might be better to look if your platform has support for JVM.

I don't think that is possible, but it's also the only thing I ever coded in Java so I am not sure.

This game was released completed and will not get any updates. It is just a small student project.

The gameplay is really awesome and the presentation is fantastic this should be a full game in the future.
But I think some of the hardest obstacles were front-loaded and I only really had fun being in high speed and doing sick jumps on the last section of the game.

Damn! This was a very clever and fun racing game! A fine job pardner.

It's a shame you didn't finish the game loop, because the concept is great and the character mobility is awesome!

I wanted to kickflip :(

Pretty clever use of the limitation, but I don't get what the temperature does in the game.

I then died without knowing why and on the next run I was invincible. I could let the battery drop down to zero and the game would keep going, the temperature got to -130.

You need to duck[S] down and press shoot(LMB). The rest of the inputs are on the game's page.

The game was planned to have 2-3 playable characters, but development is currently on hold. So maybe in the future.

Thank you for your words!

I am assuming this is regarding the Linux build? I will see if I can make a portable Linux on a flash drive during the week to test it.

This is not a Unity game. I did make a Linux version available just now, but I am not able to test it at this point.

Great demo! I like the spin you put into it. Some rampage mixed in with a little bit of desert strike. Such a great idea.

Another thing I found out thanks to redonihunter further tests. Searching for "fishing" will display a header on the search page suggesting and linking people towards Browsing the tag for "fishing". It will not show up for boxing, because boxing seems to be considered a "low power tag".

Like boxing will also match box. But it does not match any game that has no "box" in the title.

This is probably just search APIs auto-correcting and doing combined searches. This is a nice feature since boxing is also the gerund for the verb to box.

So why was the tag boxing not shown as a search result? Because it is not in the list of featured tags. Or suggested tags. Whatever you want to call them.

As I mentioned in my post from what I can test it's because tags used on a number below 200-300 games will not be autocompleted. "Boxing" has 165 games while "fishing" has 1,624 games. I am assuming that range as the cutting of point because the lowest tag to auto-complete I could figure out was "tennis" at 385 games.

I believe that people think this, but can you give an example, where the title has not resemblance to a word, yet you can find it in search? Fishing and Boxing were both negative.

Searching for "slugfest" will give you 4 games with slugfest on the title ahead of Toe II Toe and Super Slav Brothers. Those last two do not have the word "slugfest" in the title but do in the tagline and this ordering, title first, tagline later, seems to be by design.

I strongly believe that because my latest game is a stronger example of this. I am an NSFW dev and have been keeping all the info on this discussion SFW to avoid people giving me shit. But if you search for "giantess" (a common keyword for a kink) you will get first about 14 games that have the word in the title. Past that point, all the other games(about 24 more) do not feature the word in the title but do in the tagline. Btw, 3 games out of the 14 are doing the "Game title(Tag Tag Tag)" thing. Although one is not doing with the searched word but some other tags.

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Often when people post topics about search results it’s because they’re trying to optimize their game’s placement on the results page

Of course, I am worried about my game showing up when people look for relevant keywords. I am quite happy with my tags, my humble little game is faring quite well for now on Browse. It was then that I decided to check how it shows up in search and found out a lot of people were tracking ahead because they did something like: Game Title (Tag Tag Tag) or just: Tag Tag Tag as the game title.

I am always looking for ways to give my games a better chance, but I do draw the line way sooner than a lot of people. Stuff like this makes me wonder if I am just the stupid naive one. I frankly don't want to keep considering naming a game around SEO terms, my alternative was starting this discussion.

The search autocomplete will push someone trying to type a topic name into the search bar to the respective tag name.

Not for tags below ~200 games. This also seems to be the reason some tags do not autocomplete anywhere on the site like redonihunter just pointed out. I get that there probably should be a bar that tags need to clear to show up, but maybe it should be lower.

To give an example, Itch hosts Toe II Toe, the most beautiful pixel art boxing game I've ever seen. Writing "boxing" on Search will never show it even if you scroll to the bottom, because it's not on the title and it's not on the short description/tagline(The author decided to use the term Slugfest to describe it in the tagline. Can't blame them, it's a fantastic term). "Boxing" will also not autocomplete either on Search or Browse.

The search bar is for discovering content by name.

This idea was reinforced by the link you provided. "Direct title search: Someone is looking for something specific and types in the name of the project". But from my testing, it's not only the title, it's also the short description/tagline, which leads more people into just filling that with tags and getting ahead in search results.

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I've been checking out how easy it is for people to find my games on Itch and I was disappointed to find that the Search bar on Itch seems to put game titles and by-lines alone as the absolute top priority in the order it shows you games.

I know Itch has a tag-searching function under the Browse tab. But we all know the most common way for users to search content on sites is to use the standard, easily accessible, and always onscreen search bar.

Is this how people want discoverability on Itch to work?

Top results for Browsing for both the Multiplayer and Shooter tags.
Top results for writing "multiplayer shooter" on the Search for games and creators bar.

While looking for ways to better present my games on Itch I find it very disappointing that my only option for climbing search results seem to be foregoing giving a title to them altogether. It's something very disheartening for a creator. Therefore the option I am choosing is to come here and bitch about it :)

My suggestions

  • Take tags and other information such as meta-data and the Description more into consideration for the search result order.
  • Limit the results that show up due to the title alone to 6 results (first row) or even less.

I am aware of the use case of someone coming on itch to find the page of a game they know the name for already. Of course, that person should be able to find the game they are looking for with ease.

I am tagging this thread as a discussion because I want to see if other people agree before trying to submit a suggestion. What are your thoughts on this matter, do you have further suggestions?

Right now I opt for waves to finish as the game's "challenge" is tied to the shrinking after each wave. In the future, I would like to add difficulty options but I think I would still keep waves to a set number. The inspiration here is how Killing Floor does it.
Mercenary Hunt is just a bonus mode, is not supposed to be wave-based at all, and still needs a lot of work.

Yes. The AI is quite barebones right now but I do want to give them more abilities and make more enemy types too.

Do you have Score points or the "Oasis Coins" (displayed bellow the map). The Secret shop works with Oasis coins, you gain those per wave and they cash out every time a match is completed. Either if you win or lose. If you quit the match they will not cash.

Radiant Star: Overture is still in early development and feedback is valuable. So please let me know what you thought of the game so far.

For the foreseeable future, it's unlikely.

I am having a bit of trouble finding a definitive answer for this. It seems Unreal games above a certain engine version do not officially support Windows 7 anymore, but sometimes times will run and sometimes won't. The problem could also be linked to other PC troubles. If that is the case there seems to be a bunch of possible solutions when you google the problem. Looking over some I would say make sure to update your GPU drives if they are not yet. If I find any solution I will let you know.

Got two reports from players having trouble downloading one of my games. One was reported today just a few hours ago, the two days ago or so.

  2.  2gb
  3. One or two months ago
  4. No Butler
  5. Don't know
  6. They say it was cutting off. One reported being able to download it only after getting a download manager.
  7. One of them was through the browser the other I don't know.
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Someone told me the same thing recently, I will have a look and see if I can figure out what's happening.

PS: Itch went through a kind of server change yesterday and they are trying to sort out the issue right now. According to them it might be fixed already, If anyone experiences this problem again let me know

Thank you for playing it Beitie! I will keep trying to do my best!

Thank you for your kind words, I am glad you enjoyed it!

This is a really fun game. Nice job Ink!

Yeah I will look into it. It's still very early, with more mechanics and systems in place I would probably have more tools to tweak difficulty.

I am glad you enjoyed it so far. Thanks for playing it.

I don't think you can do DMs on itch.

No updates. This was a short project I did as a course assignment. If I ever do another Grand Larceny Tales it would be a new game.

As for the new game, It is not a battle royale game, it's a survival horde mode kinda thingy. I am working on a free public prototype demo I hope to release here on itch soon.
You can follow its development on my discord server:

Already working on it, check it out: