Hello so I just wanted to request some features for itch.io that would benefit everyone involved.
*1.) the ability to choose how much of our funding goes into itch.io marketing our games.
as someone relatively knew I wouldn't have an issue putting my share to itch at something like 40-50% if that meant 30% of that went directly into marketing my game. which would be great for newer devs who are trying to get their works noticed.
*2.) keymailer.co style collaborations. basically a mini program that lets us give free copies of our games to streamers and youtubers in return for them running our content in mass bulks. For instance you'd give out 200 copies of your game for free to 200 different Youtubers and streamers and they'd play them to promote them.
*3.) an easy way to set games under 1$ into games collection bundles so that buyers can receive many games at a low value while developers can sell them for under 1$