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Resolution scale

A topic by AS024 created Mar 25, 2024 Views: 143 Replies: 2
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Hi, I have some problems with the resolution scale and dlss. When I first played the game I saw from my clipped gameplay that the resolution scale was set on "LABEL". After changing some settings I couldn't get it back to label. What resolution scale does label use? It looks like 50% for me but just to be sure. Also when I try to disable dlss it just stays when reopening settings and I don't see any performance boost when enabling it. 


Honestly the DLSS should work, but it's not a guarantee. The Nvidia plugin for Unreal Engine is still very much in development so there's nothing I can do, unfortunately :/

The "LABEL" of the resolution scale is just a visual bug, you don't need to get back to label. The max is 100 and the minimum I recommend going is ~65.

Understandable, thank you for the info.