I respect you for this project and appreciate you for it (I just wish the storyline grew longwe, rather than changing its delivery). This most recent update is counter-productive....
The reversion to token-turns, rather than actual time... that, and the gacha system both negatively impact gameplay. I was forced to spend time waiting for "char X", rather than trust the map.
Iron no longer produces from mines, I believe Level4 upgrades are now impossible, and I am unable to verify how many of certain troop ranks exist. It seems I waste resources on some soldier levels, only to have no results. In some situations, there are more than 1 readings for whatever resource.
I searched for 23.02.21 in hopes of attaining a version that does again have certain things (inside of mithril mine, inside of command center, Level 4 upgrades, honest and clear tallying) that, without, the title is, I am sorry, a dead weight. Further, the time mechanism is useful for many people who have other responsibilities. If some prefer the counter to the timer, then perhaps a toggle option at "new game start" will appease both sides.
Still, this most recent update is altogether unplayable in many aspects. Thank you for fixing this.