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Who did you hire to slay the dragon?

A topic by Dullahan8 created Aug 22, 2016 Views: 44,346 Replies: 40
Viewing posts 1 to 23

I gave the sword to the thief (LOL) just because she was the first one to offer to do it and it took her 100 days to come back with the prize. Sometimes I wonder if I would have gotten a bigger prize if the adventurer had offered first because she said she had kept half of the prize for herself.

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I remember there being one hero (the tall one) that kept asking to go on a quest. But since I needed him to kill dragon, I denied him, and later he asked to go kill the dragon. Keep saying no to him until he asks for the dragon quest specifically.


I accidentally put the knight on jail xD and i was like... noooooooo!!


same :'( lol


Me to, saddest moment in the game :( 

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I felt really guilty :(

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I just accepted his quests and i still got to give him the sword because instead of saying no to his quests i said no the the thief




I accepted his quests and he nearly always came back with 250 gold. I accepted the thief all the time, after all it's just -5 happiness. But then again, I did NOT give her the key to the gate. She got arrested for attempting to climb over it later.


You have to give it to Knight. The tall hero. He won't fail, and bring you back all of your money, whereas if you hire the thief, she will keep half of the wealth.

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The Knight is who I got to do it. Just did it too. Up to 5k residents, over 1k happiness, and over 3k gold. I wish this game had an ending. :(


it does you have to join the council and at day end it says 'congrautulations you joined the couincil which means you won the game' which i had happen at 531 happiness

Deleted 2 years ago

i just finished it. took me about 2 hours to complete and only one try. i never even got to hire someone for the blade. though i did get the blade/


So if I joined at 1000 people and 352 happyness Im already done?


no but the game ends aat like when u join the council


You can still continue tho- WHICH is what I did. 6K people, 2K happiness, and -16 gold. Lol. I gave the jester 700.

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Played the game a number of times 150+ days.. still want the Witch to take it.




I'm all for this.  The witch is a badass.  Very reliable.

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i didn't need to deny the knight once for it to work and he asked me first




Every time I have sent the knight out, he has come back empty handed...


I had the theif ask first.


I gave it to the thief. For a moment I thought my blade gone for ever... And the dragon safe ^^


me to XD


heres my playthrough 


I hired the thief and it took her 7 days, i think.


The thief has a point when she says she did all the hard work.


How does the game end. It says congratulation but the game still continues , i killed the dragon and got to be the king of the councils. and stillt he game continues with the scientist making a machine which brings  out 20 gold. 


after the dragon and the council of crowns completed the game is just allows you to keep playing.the only thing left to do is the L.A.P.I.N experiment(you need the gold gear from L-D 3.4).


Uhh... May have sold that for 1000 gold. :/


I gave it to the thief... the knight wasnt coming back so i put my trust  in her.... I was wrong ): 


I gave the sword to the knight, absolutely without a question! He's lowkey pulled the entire kingdom out of debt several times; so many times I was swamped by money hungry subjects, like the witch appeasing the violent ghosts or the ridiculous jester asking for 700 coins, and the knight came 3-5 times in a row to offer treasure from his adventures. By far one of my top favorite characters. He ended up bringing all the treasure back and making people happy. TOTALLY LOVE HIM.

(I never gave in to the thief. Even if I had to wait ages for the knight to come around 2nd time I played the game. Never regretted my decision:)


I never went bankrupt. Least was 59 gold, then the Knight saved me.


My biggest bankruptcy was when the jester asked for 700 gold, I was about to refuse, but then my cat stepped on the ' Y ' button on my keyboard... I was at - 675 after that... 


I did the Thief because shes relatible to me ^-^ and i do wish though that we could give it to the witch....


I gave the sword to the thief because she was the only one who kept asking. I was  scared she would just take the sword haha.


I gave the sword to the Knight even though the thief aka Sneaky Girl kept asking me but i read that she took half the earnings so i kept on saying no until day 85 i finally got to give it to the Knight!

The Knight, but still tree and witch put DENTS in wealth

Gave it to the thief. Denied her at first, thinking "She's probably gonna steal it. Do I trust her with something so valuable?" But the next time I had a thought: "She does offer to... well... steal for me, so maybe she'll be loyal." And I hired her. The only other guy was a short knight (I don't know if he was the right guy to hire) and I had denied him. I just wanted to kill the dragon and see what happens so.

i hired the knight