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Artist available for work!

A topic by Jinyeon created 93 days ago Views: 117 Replies: 4
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Hey there everyone!

I'm interested to partake in this jam for my first time, so I want to offer my skills and experiences to be picked up by a team (or people wanting to form a new one). I'm an digital artist first and foremost, with experiences in game and graphic design, as well as an inkling of interest in writing (although my skills in writing creative text still need a lot of work). A sample of my pieces and contributions can be found on my itch page as well as my profile on ArtStation, which is linked in my profile :)

I'll be looking forward to work with y'all in May :D

I am a writer myself seeking to join a team. Maybe we could work together?

I wouldn't mind, sure thing! Let's give it a chat and see how we're feeling :)

Sounds great! Do you have a discord or other place to chat?

I have! I think I may have found you on one of the various furry visual novel servers out there, I have sent you (or who I think might be you) a message :)