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The Lewdest House

¿Will our hero maintain loyal to his crush, or will fall in the incestuous trap the original cartoon creators made? · By DMF

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Read the current FAQ first!!) Sticky

A topic by DMF created 84 days ago Views: 7,457 Replies: 59
Viewing posts 1 to 27
Developer (4 edits) (+3)

*Why there is no sound?

  • It isn’t ready yet, only for chapter 1.

*Can you add X language?

  • No, because I only speak Spanish and English, other languages need collaborators to get translated to.

*Why it’s not translated yet? / When its going to be translated?

  • Because we are still fixing and changing some lines, and adding some content to chapter 1 first.

*Can I help with translations?

  • Of course! but as said before, we need to fix stuff before that.

*I can’t join the Discord server, where is the invite?

  • Inside the game itself, there is a button to join.

*Where I can help with money?

*Can you add a scene like this “(picture/description)”?

  • I have no idea man, if we implement every single situation you give us we would still be drawing for chapter 1.

*What characters will be lewdeable?

  • Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Ronnie Anne. (NO LILY). Other side characters from the show will have optional scenes too.

*What about Rita, Lincoln’s mother?

  • She too, but later…

*I have a missing gallery entry. How do I unlock it?

  • Join the discord server, someone may answer you instantly any similar questions.

*Can I update the game without needing to download and install again on Android?- Nope, unless they let me add it to the PlayStore which will never happen lol.

*Why not use AI to generate voices for the characters?

  • I won’t do that. Using someone’s voice to make them say +18 stuff without their consent is not too different than making deepfakes or “undress” someone with photoshop. I wont be able to sleep again if I do that.

*Is this game free roam or not? Is the game just walls of text?

  • This visual novel has a lot of VISUAL and a lot of NOVEL, with some free roam aspects. So you can expect an extensive story with lots of illustrations, many in comic format, and some animated, not just still images that don’t change.

*Who is going to be Chapter 3’s main girl?

  • Lori.

*What chapter will be focused on (insert character)?

  • We don’t know yet, but we have an idea, and don’t want to make spoilers.

*How much time until the next update/chapter?

Feel free to ask anything that wasn’t responded before, here.


Hi, DMF, when will the second chapter be in Russian? Thank you in advance


First, we have to proofread the chapter, and then, the translations will be made by whoever wants contribute and do it. I personally translate to Spanish.


I’m happy the chapters finished but it’s also kinda sad because chapter 3 will probably be a while

Hello DMF will you add music to chapter 2 in the near future or its smth for later?


it is something for later, yes, but still I want to. At least start with a couple of songs (free roam - night free roam d+ sex - sad song - happy song - funny song) and then sound effects (doors, rain/thunder, birds/outdoors , sex sfxs)

Hi Dev! First of all, I really love the game :D I just have a question, I dont know if maybe I missed something but how can I get the 4 BRV points for the vide chat with ronnie ann  to select the option of suggesting her to be on towell. I already reply it a few times but dunno what happened, could please someone help me?

You need to make the right decisions for which you will get 4 BRV points.


I will make a Love-Brave points later with each interaction later. Also, playing since chapter 1 in a “perfect run” will get you 4 Brv points perfect to start Ch2

Ummm so is Lincoln supposed to turn into Ronnie Ann after the call when she's in a towel or is that just him pictureing her in his mind


I just that I planned to draw Lincoln on the left side of the screen during the call but then I said “who actually wants to see Lincoln touching himself?” and scrapped the idea. No need to put much thought into it…

I think you ment to put me instead of my but idk


ooooooooooooooooohhhh you meant that…


how long did it take to make chapter 1 and chapter 2?


So far, the complete game took a year and a half… but well, its my first game, so a lot of things took twice what it was expected as I spent 50% of the time drawing and coding, and 50% fixing what I did wrong lol. From now on the chapters will be shorter than Ch2, and of course, longer than Ch1.

will good luck with your game and i rooting for you 

i love the game how long until more chapters are out?


No idea, we are working on adding some scenes to Chapter 1, and proofreading Chapter 2 first. But right after that, we will start working on Ch 3

(2 edits)

Hi DMF,If you need i can help u to translate chapter 2 in Russian (because i saw it only eng/maybe spanish and want to help people that dont learing it in Russia)


Hello! first of all, thanks! Right now, we are proofreading chapter 2, and adding some stuff to chapter 1, so we are waiting until its ready to make the files public for anyone to translate. This is why, also, I didn’t started translating to Spanish chapter 2 either :/

Alr,when all will be done would u text me? (if you can into the discord: jessep1nkm5n / or here if u want)


We will make an announcement during that same update, also, you can join the discord, I will specifically announce that too, create a new role, channels etc, so translators can work together on each language (you are not the first one that wants to translate to Russian!)


Hey DMF, I really like your game and I wanted to translate it in french but I don't see the discord link, does the server stilll exist ?

The discord link is in the game

that link doesn't seem to work anymore.

I was just wonder is iPhone able to play? And if so how


Bit that I know, so far, for building an IOs app, you need a Mac to begin with, wich is not the case in my end.

Hey DMF, I was wondering if I need to start over again after a new update since the save file started me from the "chapter 2 is not finished yet" text after ch.1 (since that's where I left off)?


You can try backtracking a little and continue from there. But well, MAYBE there could be problems later, sorry in advance, just in case lol


it's ok, the story is actually very good, I can start over like rereading a comic/manga 

Hey DMF, where can you start translating the game into X language?(thank you in advance)


is in the FAQ, I will announce when the files to translate the game will be available


What happened to the progression illustration? That image you updated every so often to show the progress of development, what happened to that?


The trello does a better job Also it took too much space, I want people to actually find the downloads button and read the FAQ. People just scrolled to the bottom to ask stuff that was hidden in the middle.


Ah! Cool! Thank you, can't wait for Chapter 3! I actually looked at the files recently, and I gotta say, I'm impressed by how much thought you put into this game. Keep up the great work!

So I know that Polish as a language is probably not the most needed language in such a game among all the languages in the world... but if you would like to add this one, I will be happy to help you translate the game into Polish, because I am a native Pole myself :>

So... What are the odds that we might end up causing Lori and Bobby to break up in chapter 3?

Very high


Im not complaining tho

I'm honestly not too sure how I feel about turning Lincoln into a homewrecker.


Wait and see… everything is already planned to avoid NTR, cheating, and this thing… (and no, nobody is going to die)

So a win-win scenario for everybody. Highly unrealistic, but I'm all for it!


I kinda liked the old way of the comment section but I guess this is more organized so you know what I can't complain 😁 also I noticed how you made no lily be in all caps so no one can miss it an ask ''when lily?'' lol 😆 


How long until the next update, you got me hooked


So for what I have seen there is actually no way to keep Lincoln "100% loyal to his crush" right? If there is I would like know, I always loved when +18 games have no sex route

Привет, DMF, во время игры я заметил, что некоторые фоны частично смещены и выглядят как баг. Подскажите, как это исправить?

Hello, there I am here to inquire about whether the discord link has expired? I can't access the discord and I just really wanted to share my thanks, this game is an absolute gem, there are very few games that have managed to make me feel such emotion as this one did. I constantly felt sad for the characters and *spoiler* when Lucy got rejected it broke my heart, I was not expecting this level of craftsmanship for something I originally considered a porn game. Thank you again for making such a wonderful game and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Have you updated trello??

Una pregunta por el capitulo dos no esta en epañol  si no es mucha molestia reponder 


Todavia no esta traducido, estamos agregando unas cosas al capitulo 1 primero.

vale muchas gracias 

What inspired you to make this game?


Wanting to stop doing NSFW commissions, and do something more “mine”. I draw some comics irl, and I like TLH art, and after trying some new RenPy games I haven’t played so far in that moment (2022) I finally decided to start making this game. About the main inspirations for this game… Operation N.O.V.E.L, definitely that game, it has awesome writing, art, attention to detail etc… Also Danganronpa, a visual novel doesn’t need to be just a square with text and character sprites, it needs to be more VISUAL, that’s why I added the minicomics, Lincoln’s side view, the camera movements when there is a new character on screen, etc…

I hope I can inspire others with my game too.


it's been a while since I came back here so how's chapter 3?


Recently started drawing it, there is already some stuff written too. I just updated Chapter 1 with some new scenes, because it was too short. It will be available at the end of July.


Awesome game, the story is really good and entertaining, can't wait for chapter 3!


Thank you! I can’t wait neither!

Current  status of chapter 3 development.  When can I expect  chapter 3 development?   How do I become a supporter?


Hello! Chapter 3 is being worked on, there is already a lot of script done, and Im drawing my way into it. The first update including chapter 3 stuff will be ready for supporters on the 29th of this month. You can become a supporter here: Make sure to join the discord (read the rules) and tell me if you become a supporter so I can give you the role.