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Welcome to Silverscale Lake! v1.8.3

A modern-day-ish science fantasy small-town mystery 路 By dysperdis

Day 7 is pretty broken

A topic by thinmick created Apr 24, 2024 Views: 84 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 2

So, /img/faces/People4.png is called when you approach the black van next to the gallery, and there's no such file. Got past that by duplicating People1.png and renaming it.

Then, as far as I can tell, the amulet quest requires me to go meet Old Silver on the lake, at night... which is great, except the boat won't cross into the deep water, which means I'm stuck in the shallow edge on the left, where the boat spawns. I can't progress the game past this point, because until I complete the amulet quest, the game won't allow the day to change, and I've exhausted everything else I could possibly do, including trying to go back to the Factory after having met with The Cop inside, as prompted when I entered the hotel (trying to re-enter the factory tells me to wait, so I'm assuming that's a do it in the morning).

Also, earlier, there's still filler text when the old fisherman tells you to visit Margaret with the scales. Not gamebreaking, but I noticed in the devlog that you'd tried to track down and replace all the filler. And the quest journal is displaying <br> tags between lines. I think that plugin takes \n for linebreaks, but I haven't worked with it in a while.

You've got an interesting story, and I'd love to see where it's going, but I'm kinda stuck right now.


Hey, I think I managed to fix the boat issue (I somehow swapped the boat and ship, idek what I was trying to do when I did that 馃う)- thank you for the head's up!

Took me a few days to find the time to play again, but... you have fixed most of what I reported! Can confirm the boat works as intended! I HAVE DISCOVERED THE SECRET OF THE LAKE :D

But, I started a new game so I wouldn't have whatever broken shit possibly hanging around in my save, and I managed to pick up a different quest, that I missed the first time! ... that is now also stuck on the night of Day 7. So, here's what I picked up on this playthrough:

  • It's possible to pick up quest journal entries without actually having a conversation about the quest. Like the one with Kaylie's romance. I talked to Tina about the town, and 'About her problem' disappeared from the dialogue options and the quest appeared in my journal. I had to wait until the next day to ask about her problem and then get the actual quest-starting discussion, so that Kaylie would move into her outdoor position.
  • I have apparently fantastically screwed up Steve's parts quest. 
    • He tells us to go to Manufacturing, in the Factory, to pick up the parts he needs. By the time I got the quest, I'd already looted all the boxes in Manufacturing and used the stuff. So I figure that means it'll spawn what he's looking for, somewhere in Manufacturing. 
    • Legit could not figure out what he's looking for, as nothing I'd gotten from fighting rats incremented the counter and all the boxes were still empty. 
    • Reloaded an earlier save, so I could get the quest before looting the boxes... still nothing increments the counter. I've picked up: Magi-Tech Components A, B, C; Potions; Ancient Blood; and the Magi-Tool 3000. Interestingly, don't see 'Ancient Blood' in inventory. Is that a variable, rather than an item?
    • Checked all the bookcases in the top room, the panels in the top room, the trash bin, the grey spots on the floor (are those holes? I was surprised they were walkable), the trash piles, every box in the room, the book blocking the path to the bookcase by the desk, fought all the rats that have wandering sprites, and a bunch of the rats that didn't, until I ran out of magic. No luck. Did not check behind the desk because there's no path there.
    • Tried going back to Steve with everything I found in Manufacturing still in my inventory, just in case it was just a quest journal problem. No luck.
    • Can't go to sleep on Day 7, until this quest is completed (as once again, this is the only quest I haven't finished, so it's gotta be this one). Did I miss something obvious, or is this actually broken?
  • Picking up the magitech components from the boxes in Manufacturing spawns filler text.
  • (filler- you have 10+ scales so he's sending you to Margaret) remains when talking to the Old Fisherman
  • There's a lot of dialogue that's missing spaces after a word or two, if it's more than one line long. I'm guessing that's a re-wrapping long lines problem.

Sorry I keep breaking your game! *laughs*

Also, having gotten the Kaylie/Tina romance quest, the 'I'M IN LESBIANS WITH YOU' line is amazing, and I shared it with my friends, who also thought it was pretty great. I'm gonna rec this game once I'm actually able to finish it, I swear.


Ah, shoot, I'd thought I'd finally figured out the plug-ins *facepalm*

  • I'm trying to recreate the quest entry bug & I can't make it happen on that quest, is there another one that's happened to you on?
  • The boxes for Steve's sidequest are different from the magitech-ones- I'm checking to make sure I didn't break them, but there should be 5 additional boxes that are only visible while his sidequest is activated, and they currently just flip switches instead of giving you actual items, so you didn't mess it up! It shouldn't keep you from sleeping, though- that's only supposed to be for story quests- so I'll fix that switch.
  • I'm adding the descriptions of the magi-tech
  • I can't seem to find the spot with the Fisherman's dialogue with that text, I'm going to go thru it with a fine-toothed comb but
  • I think the spacing thing happened when I adjusted a plug-in to get rid of the break tags in the quest journal, & it only seems to show up after the distribution package is exported. I'm going to see if there's a setting I can play with that'll fix it, otherwise I'll probably just revert that change.

Thank you for the feedback, I'm sorry it's ended up so broken for you

Man, all games are broken when the first people who aren't developing them play them. Such is the nature of game development.

Oddly, the romance one is the only quest I was really sure it happened on. There was something else, and I can't remember what, so it was on my mind, and then it happened with that one and I went 'okay, no, that's real'. But, if you can't trip it, I must've done something weird. I'll see if I can repeat it, next time I play.


Okay, it took me a while before I could sit down and playtest properly, but I finally found the bug with the romance sidequest (it only triggered when the faction score was in a specific range); the boxes for Steve's chair quest are more obviously marked, & I confirmed that it's not that quest that's blocking sleep (hint: Joey wanted to do something before you head to bed on day 7, check your quest log!)