Step by step guide to getting all 4 endings currently in the game. Use it like you would a Choose Your Own Adventure book.
Start Here v
Endings 1, 2, 3, 4
Always buy the most expensive food you can afford
Always dream of getting larger
Day 1:
Breakfast: Whole grain toast with green tea
Serve Rory at the bar: She wants a Freaky Tiger - 2 Beer, 2 Tea
Lunch: Miso Chicken Soup
Dinner: Beef Fajitas
Dream of a bigger belly
Day 2:
Breakfast: Whole grain toast with green tea
Ask Rory to talk
Serve Sydney at the bar: She wants a Cosmic Kitten - 2 Juice, 1 Vodka
Lunch: Miso Chicken Soup
Dinner: Salmon-Spinach Pasta
Dream of a bigger belly
Day 3:
Breakfast: Granola Bar
Ask Rory to rub belly
Serve Dakota at the bar: She wants a Berry Angel - 4 Juice
Lunch: Miso Chicken Soup
Dinner: Salmon-Spinach Pasta
Ask Rory to sleep in bed together
Dream of a bigger belly
Day 4:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with berries
[ Continue for Endings 1 & 4 v or Jump to Endings 2 & 3 > ]
Serve Deidra at the bar: She wants a Berry Angel - 4 Juice
Lunch: Spring Greens Salad
Dream of a bigger belly
Day 5:
[ Continue for Ending 1 v or jump to Ending 4 > ]
Dont drink the bottle that Deidra (didn't) give you
Ask Rory to stop
Dream of a bigger belly
Day 6:
Get Ending 1!
Endings 2 & 3
Day 4:
[ Continue from Ending 1 Day 4 ]
Serve Deidra at the bar: She wants a Berry Angel, but give her a Southern Belle - 4 tea
Lunch: Miso Chicken Soup
Dream of bigger belly
Day 5:
[ Continue for Ending 2 v or jump to Ending 3 > ]
Drink the bottle Deidra gave you
Day 6:
Get Ending 2!
Ending 3
Day 5:
[ Continue from Ending 2 & 3 Day 5 ]
Don't drink the bottle Deidra gave you
Let Rory continue
Day 6:
Get ending 3!
Ending 4
Day 5:
[ Continue from Ending 1 Day 5 ]
Drink the bottle that Deidra (didn't) give you
Either stop Rory or let her continue
Day 6:
Get Ending 4!