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what is adult/Sensetive content

A topic by SupremeStudio created 19 days ago Views: 297 Replies: 12
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I suppose you all familiar with the Sensitive content check box on your game meta data witch you should check if your game has sensitive content. My question is what is Sensitive content on i didn't find anything that describe what is sensitive and what is not, Aside from nudity what else should i be worry about?

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Staff has a queue, and issues are prioritized according to various factors, so they might not always take action as promptly as we'd like.

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I'm pretty sure staff patrols the site, but seeing how there are over 980K games right now? Things are going to be missed. That's what the reporting system is for.

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Anything you wouldn't want to be caught looking on at work, or at school, or in the family?! You won't find any firm definition because it's not so simple. Use your common sense.


So normally on game cover you will find the rating(18+/13+ or the T logo and so on) witch tell you what rate the game has. let's just say my adventure game has blood like to many and i see under 18 play it normally. i want more explanation cause i take responsibility of anything i publish on itch and i don't want to get into trouble in future.



Get in trouble with whom? There's the ESRB rating system, but we don't have anything so formal here.

If i release a game with  too much blood jump scare or gore and 1 image in the game contain nudity but I did not consider it Sensitive therefor i did not check the Sensitive content check box doesn't that can get my account into Suspended or banned?(As far as i know)


No, staff will probably contact you first to resolve the issue, or at worst mark your game as NSFW without warning.

thanks my fear is gone

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Since itch has a worldwide audience, this is an interesting question. And what is considered sensitive is subject to a lot of subjectivity and local bias.

The tricky part is, to know, if you have to check that box. Especially for simple nudity. Or in the continuum between a jump scare and gore horror to set the line between made for adults only and being ok for "kids".

So I would check four things.

1. Is my target audience 13+ or 18+?

2. Will facebook mums get outraged, if their 13yo kids play your game?

3. Are similar popular games on itch marked as sensitive or not?

4. Would a streamer get in trouble for broadcasting gameplay of your game on the major platforms?

Especially 3. should give a good answer, since most stuff here is "correctly" marked.