I've recently released the DEMO of my Point & Click x Card Game "Cauldron Caution" : https://poishiche.itch.io/cauldron-caution
I've seen people have some trouble on the first challenge and was wondering if it was due to the tutorial not being good enough. As tutorials are a hard thing to get right without an exterior eye, I would welcome any feedback on it to improve it !
The tutorial is divided in 2 parts and ends after the introduction of the Cauldron mechanic.
Specific questions I would like answered:
- Is the tutorial too long ? Was there too much dialogue ?
- Were there any unclear indication ?
- Were there any rules you forgot after finishing it ?
- Was the first challenge too hard ? (First fight after the tutorial)
- Were there too much info to digest at once from time to time ?
I also welcome some feedback on more general questions unrelated to the tutorial :
- Was the game fun ? Would you buy it ?
- Was the pacing good ?
- Was the game difficulty adequate ?
- Were there any parts or mechanics you disliked ?