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Puppy Truck (tiny playground)

an absolutely miniscule movement playround for curious fans. · By dean_sick

Bugs Sticky

A topic by dean_sick created 15 days ago Views: 66 Replies: 9
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dominoes tend to miss the second launcher! (falling too far over instead of on top of it)

Developer (1 edit)

appreciate that one, I accidentally nudged a control point! edit: fixed build incoming


this one is amazing and my favorite (rare?)

wheels teleported to the middle of the map after boosting into a wall (boosting again seemed to fix it)


oh that is quite good! thankfully the wheels themselves don’t actually exist in a gameplay sense but I’ll look into this!


Camera is much more zoomed out after the paper airplane cutscene? (Top: Before, Bottom: After)

I actually prefer the zoomed out camera, since you can see a bit more it makes platforming a lot smoother. It felt like maybe the way it was meant to be in the first place? Them being different feels like a bug regardless.


ah yeah, I had noticed that and honestly feel about the same. Need to jot down some numbers and adjust the player camera to it.


I somehow managed to clip into the gum at just the right moment and managed to win the game.

I also found out that sometimes you can dash in reverse, sadly I wasn't able to record the bug.

Sometimes the camera becomes too sensitive when you move on low framerates but I think this is not a bug.


Oh, thanks for that one! I was just wondering if the gum could stick to the player and this just confirmed it!

Reverse dash is definitely a feature rather than a bug!

The camera thing has been reported before and I’ll look into it further. Were you playing on windows or web?


btw, I’ve fixed the gum issue and I think I have a fix incoming for the camera on low framerates.