Welcome to the Pixel Art Museum!
Here you can upload your pixel art and see others pixel art, also you can chat with artists who stumble here, so have fun!
Ah, and I almost forgot, no adult content is allowed over here.
Here's some unused spritework that I had in my pictures directory. I know it's not exactly classical pixel art, but hopefully it's okay to share here.
This one was made recently. Made in Krita, for a placeholder in a game I've been thinking about making.
This one was a few years ago. I was trying to figure out a way of quickly making 2D assets while keeping colour and proportions and be able to switch between working on other characters, so I made a really low poly model in blender which had the colours I wanted and little nubs for hands and feet, then animated over it in Krita. I found it quicker than doing every frame from scratch, but still time consuming.
This is the general art of a game I just made for a GameJam, the game is about a game that becames buggy and the draft of the hero cames to save the game, if you guys want to play: https://lielzinho.itch.io/glitchgame
We are in the popular vote category of this Jam, so if you guys like the game and want to help us, just vote here: https://itch.io/jam/2-hug-jam/rate/2924502?before=3#post-10731840