And that's a new favorite. Keep up the great work!
Aim studios
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Hi all.
My latest game is called RopeBox. It is a short side-scrolling platformer game inspired by marvel's Spiderman : Mysterio rush.
"Not the hero we needed, but the hero we got anyway."
Unicorn has trapped RopeBox in his illusion tunnel and you must help him out of there. Swing past the illusion master's constructs and help our friendly superbox get back to the city.
A short web game with about 3-4 minutes of gameplay and progressing diffculty.
Play the RopeBox here.
A lot of major brands do use the trick, so it might work. But with that said, it never had any effect on me because I ( and I think a lot of people ) have a habit of rounding close decimals. So 9.99 will naturally be perceived as 10. But this has never made me lose trust in a seller or feel exploited. Personally, I would just sell it at 10.
Being active in the community is actually the best way to get your game out there, unless of course you have money to spend on other kinds of marketing. If you are looking for reviews and feedback, I suggest joining a game jam, or even seek out playtesters. Another way to get an audience is to keep a consistent devlog, so people get to know about your game even before the release. The thing about keeping a devlog is that you have to be consistent in terms of content and its quality. I had kept one for my projects here on itch, but failed to keep it going as the project stopped halfway through.
Also when uploading games, the best way is to upload a build for windows, Linux and Mac. Having it in html5 build also helps a lot as many people ( at least me personally ) would be more comfortable with playing a web game than installing a new game from an unknown publisher on my computer, especially here on itch.
Hey Kosterix,
Thanks for playing the game and your feedback. I'm currently remaking the game from scratch, since I lost the source files and hadn't kept any backup ( I was an idiot ). I'll definitely try adding colors to the wave trails.
You're right, the core mechanics aren't really that intuitive. Perhaps I should add a small tutorial in the beginning of the game.
I'm also experimenting with more mechanics, like collectibles and stuff. Your idea of adding a reward for a certain number of blocks avoided is good. I'll look into it.
Thank you once again for your time and feedback.
Hey MaGGam,
so glad you enjoyed the game. This was originally supposed to be updated with more enemies and speed increment and stuff. I accidentally lost the source file of the game from my computer. I hadn't kept a backup either, as this was a simple hobby project. Now I'm working on remaking the game from scratch.
And no, the current version doesn't have any kind of sounds. I will be sure to add them in the next version.
Thank you for playing.