First let me say i really enjoyed the game so far, i immediately felt attracted, strating to the first level. Then i discovered it was a puzzle game (for some reason i thought it was a turn base tactical RPG), i don't like puzzel usually. But, i do like G&G because it tastes like a tactical rpg.
- I'm playing on Linux via WINE, and so far it's perfectly compatible, so you may want to push the "Linux" button and release a beta for those willing to test the PC Linux build.
- It would be nice to skip all the text and presentation when retrying a level, as it can quickly become a little heavy. Keep the presentation only for starting the level from the main map, but remove it from Retry option.
- I'm only at world 2 with the Slaver, and it feels the difficulty ramps up quickly. Maybe tune it down slightly, removing some enemies or adding some traps in levels ?
- Could be great to have more than one skill to use per turn. Like, Push1 and Push2 would be two different skills, not sharing the same cooldown. Also, Lash 1 becomes Lash 2 , while Push 1 and Push 2 are two skills. Is it intended ?
- Maybe add a key to show all enemies path/hit ? Now i have to check all one by one to see if the tile is safe. Hitting Space to show all would be neat, and using Enter to pass turn instead.
- I think we (community) could easily translate the game into different languages if you open the text files.
- At first i thought the red spikes would hurt me if i stop on the tile next to it, but it's not. Could be explained somewhere.
- The Push kicks enemy into pikes to kill, from face and from side, but the Lash only kills if pulled into a hole/water ? I tried pulling enemy into pikes, they didn't get hurt.