Found a bug?
Have something to suggest or request is included in the game?
Let me know here! I can't promise I'll get it fixed / added quickly (as I've quite a bit planned already) but it'll bring it to my attention.
An adult settlement management game with turn based battles. · By
Suggestion make a way to control the player character with wasd so you can get stuff father away I know you can use the mouse to click spot and make them walk there but I think wasd is more comfortable
Also I'm tryna do a thing where I'm a guy in a village full of woman but the slime keep changing to look like me even when I turned gay content off
Saves should be under Users/<Username>/AppData/Roaming/Dapplecap for the Windows version, and in your web cache for the HTML player.
I've checked and the code for finding resources is indeed identifying the log pile as a tree because it contains wood!
Hmm... I might have the player character have WSAD movement controls and ENTER to interact with resources as per your suggestion, it'd help set them apart from the other inhabitants.
I get what your saying about the slimes. I'll modify their mimic script to account for the filters.
Hey been a while since I checked out the game and I have to say it's coming along nicely I like that map for the combat and I haven't encountered many bugs. The only bugs I did encounter was whenever you set people to chop trees in winter they instead harvest the pine cones even when there gathering skill isn't high enough. As for suggestions on things to add I'd say more customization and hair options for humans as well as making the hair and beard separate for the men so I can use the curly beard with the straight hair. and maybe a crafting system so you can make different amours and weapons for warriors and tools for everyone else and add crafting skills kinda like RuneScape as well as buildings that generate resources so you don't constantly have to gather them.