Hello there!
I will start off by saying that I am a person that loves to play video games and loves to build relationships with people! And coming in as a new graduate, I would love to apply my skillsets to help anybody in need!
Here are some fun facts about me:
- I majored in Food Science and Technology with an Operations Management Minor. (Hey I know its weird, but I learned alot of amazing skillsets!)
- I love playing Wangan Midnight, Asseto Corsa, Pac-Man, Super Mario, Pokémon, and Final Fantasy! I am more than open to try new games!
- I am a firm believer of self-learning and development! I recently got my black belt lean six sigma certification, and I love analyzing problems and providing solutions to optimize efficiency!
- As strange as it may sound as a Food Scientist, I know some beginning python and I would love to learn and expand my skills on it!
- Outside, I love trying new foods! Hey as a foodie, I just have to try it! If anyone has a new food that they want me to try or even have a conversation about, I am more than happy to talk about it!
I would love to help out anybody with anything related to operations, business, and applying my black belt to bring solutions to the team!
And as proof I have the Black Belt, it is under this link!
Black Belt Lean Six Sigma
I look foward to getting to know one another! If you have discord my user is: Brightco! (Yes its me on a cartoon photo with lion ears!)