I've just released an Android port of a free game that I made, but I was only able to test it on my Phone and Tablet.
I'm unsure about how smoothly it will play on other devices. It ran fine on my phone, but not-so-good on my tablet when playing level 3. My Tablet is a 9 year old model, so I'm hoping it runs more smoothly on the average users phone, but it's hard to tell... I wrote the engine myself and Android devices have a wide range of hardware specs and odd quirks, so I just had to do my best to read a lot of forum posts.
I'm a little worried about crashes, odd graphics glitches and unplayable frame rates.
Just a little it about the game:
KatzenKlein Redux is a free retro FPS about evil kitties. It contains four levels and is a remake of a Wolfenstein 3D clone that I made in javascript, this time trying to be a bit more like "Doom" and coded in C++.
It can be found here.
If you do happen to test the game, could you please post your phone model and any details on how it ran?
Thank you for reading and feel free to ask any questions.