Hey gang, kind of a weird situation I have here, but I was releasing my non-nsfw game on itch yesterday when I decided it would be really funny to tag the game erotic, thinking no one would really look at it except for some friends, and we'd have a laugh at it.
Unfortunately, even though I removed the tag once someone spotted it and we had a laugh, the consequences have come to bite me in my ass. Itch still seems to think the game is nsfw and recommends it as such. Most of my traffic seems to come only from nsfw game players browsing the nsfw section, and itch keeps recommending me adult games, and I'm unable to disable this as itch thinks I make adult games now.
Yes, I realise this is a result of my stupid joke, but I would appreciate some help on this asap! Thank you!
The game in questions is: https://jbroook.itch.io/batter-up-new