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Marked by complete magical immunity, Wayfarers wander the world, fighting magic. Where will your fate lead you? · By Idrelle Games

What is this?

A topic by discowriter created 3 days ago Views: 57 Replies: 2
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I've never "played" an interactive novel, but I didn't think this "game" qualifies as a game if I don't get to play it. Reading someone else's writing when it's not very good isn't worth creating a character for, is it? Perhaps the creator is so high on their opinion of themselves and their writing that spending so long to "create" a character that's invisible or only appears in words on a page isn't really worth it. They're self-deceived and think others should spend extra time filling out a questionnaire only to make them read and read and read some more. I'm done. If I want to read, I'll find a book or a reputable publication. I wanted a turn-based game with a good story, not a bunch of text with a basic background and a bunch of questions to answer about a character that's invisible.


Welcome to the world of interactive novels! I love them, especially with the freedom the words give to let your mind run off and imagine your character in all the situations you want.


Okay. I kind of think interactive novels should have a category of their own, though. If the main part of the game is reading and making choices, especially multiple choices, it's closer to those old choose-your-own-adventure things, which used to be physical books with several endings. Comparing that to a board game or video game seems a bit odd, even unfair. At least with text-based adventures like Zork, you type in commands and there's a reaction instead of a great length of text to read AFTER spending seemingly a lot of time considering a character's look and abilities. I'm not used to them and my biggest disappointment with any game is that the tutorial and setup sap all my enthusiasm before I even get to play or a chance to enjoy any forthcoming game. Good luck to the dev. I'm sure it took a lot of effort to do this, but there's a much greater burden on the quality of writing and, in my experience, great writing is much rarer than decent video games.