Hello everyone!
I decided to join the revival game jam and build my first ever game. I have decided to use the phaser-svelte template as my starting point, and I managed to build a nice little playable game.
But now, I am having issues hosting the game on itch io as a playable HTML game. I am seeing the following error in my console
`````F: Not found: /html/11792734/index.html at qe (https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/11792734/_app/immutable/chunks/entry.FCEN1GIl.js:1:21579) at Re (https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/11792734/_app/immutable/chunks/entry.FCEN1GIl.js:1:13112) at Ee.n.replaceState (https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/11792734/_app/immutable/chunks/entry.FCEN1GIl.js:1:8473) at Module.Ee (https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/11792734/_app/immutable/chunks/entry.FCEN1GIl.js:1:8483) at https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/11792734/index.html:40:11````
I am using this template https://github.com/phaserjs/template-svelte/tree/main
When I run npm run build, and then I try to preview it, it works no problem. I was able to deploy my playable game through the build no problem, I have went through all of my asset imports to make sure they use relative paths, and still I am getting this issue.
Steps to replicate
Clone the phaser-svelte template, build it, and zip the build folder to upload it to itch io as a playable html.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
You can find the game page here: https://brianpistar.itch.io/cellular-domination-station