I'm interested in how other developers feel about the updated requirements to keep your Googleplay developers account...
I just completed my verification form and truthfully; I was considering not doing this over the last two months. My biggest reason for considering not keeping my account is the requirement that if I wish to sell a game; I would need to publicly display my home address.
I think this may be understandable for an organization, where the address might be a small office space, but as a solo developer; I'm not interested in doxxing myself.
The reason I reluctantly filled in my verification is that I do actually enjoy porting code to Android and unfortunately; most people don't trust downloading games if they are not from the official store. Many Android forums will remove your posts if they contain *.apk links from external sources.
I'm interested in hearing other developers thoughts on this... Do you use a Googleplay developer account? Do you sell games on there, or do you just avoid the whole thing and try to sell on Itch or another site? Do you just avoid selling for Android and only release free games?