Hello. I created a multiplayer top-down game about tanks - Tank Workshop. The game is in the early stages of development and many things are not done yet or are done poorly.
I want to get feedback on whether the multiplayer works at all. I checked the game's functionality on computers connected to the same network. Therefore, I am not sure whether the multiplayer works from different cities/countries.
I will be grateful to you for help in this matter. After all, if the multiplayer does not work, it is pointless to continue working on the game.
Привет. Нужно чтобы вы попробовали поиграть со своим другом или знакомым из другого города или хотя бы района города. Мне просто не с кем играть вне квартиры. О том получилось или нет напишите пожалуйста сюда.