I have a tiny deploy script for my html5 games. It zips up the folders and then tells butler to push to the project:
remove-item "$FileName.zip" Compress-Archive $FileName "$FileName.zip" # Set the PATH environment variable temporarily $env:Path += "path stuff that includes my name" butler push "$FileName.zip" crabbucketgames/"$GameName":html5
This works great! Saved me so much time and then suddenly after one build:
A build for Reduce, Reuse, Raccoon failed to process 10h
Build html5 51 for Reduce, Reuse, Raccoon is now live 11h
Build html5 50 for Reduce, Reuse, Raccoon is now live 12h
And now no matter what I do I just get the failed to process message. Butler status doesn't show me anything weird. I can delete the butler upload and rerun butler, which works the first time but then goes back to failing after that:
A build for Reduce, Reuse, Raccoon failed to process 4m
Build html5 1 for Reduce, Reuse, Raccoon is now live 9h
A build for Reduce, Reuse, Raccoon failed to process 9h
What steps should I be taking to troubleshoot?