I've seen really few places to share fanarts abot the game. So I propose you to post your art here if you want to share with the community here.
If there already is a place to centrelise the fanarts, please guide us!
Have lot of fun.
A visual novel where you hypnotize cute girls and feel bad about it (in development) 路 By
Hello, another track. This one was ispired by the feeling I had when I played a mentally unstable Kyou ... the same feeling I had when playing a genocide Frisk in Undertale ... I guess there are some "But Nobody Came" vibes here, I won't deny it. This song is also a little for the poor Sayori who got some worse fate in her bad endings compared to Nozomi and Hiroko.
Admirable work! The first one have vibes from 80's games (RPG and eroge) that I enjoyed. In fact I found all three interesting and enjoyable. It would be nice to be able to implement them in the game. But it's better not to complicate things for now. Keep working on your music. Great things could come out of it. (I hope I'm not screwing up because you're a professional)
Thanks for your support. I confess I've thought of the possibility and even prepared a list of melody for the diffrent situations in the game. still, the instrumentation is more adapted for a fantasy RPG than a school visual novel. I don't think music is the actual focus off the team, (and maybe they already have some one in mind), but if you want more tracks, I can always work on them and post them here.