Good, good.
Recent community posts
I like the new route but the scene sounds a bit forced. Kyou hypnotizes her so casually? He's not repeating what happened with Nozomi. Doesn't he notice anything strange? And on top of that, he thinks that Akiko is attracted to him. I understand that Kyou is confused by his anger and that he feels cornered. But the scene doesn't flow to me. I would revise it. Maybe lengthen it so that what happens makes more sense.
Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see more of Akiko being hypnotized and where this could lead. But the beginning of this route doesn't seem as logical as the others.
Hay unos pocos fallos en la traducción. En un lugar creo que se refieren a bolsillo en lugar de decir dos veces teléfono y en otro falta una palabra "se (oye) otra voz desde detrás" Hay errores por las prisas al escribir: "para irte a CASA" y no "casi". "mirar a OTROS estudiantes" y no "oros" "cielos" y no "cierlos", tal como esta construida una oración es "intercambia" y no "intercambian", "Akemi" y no "Akemo", "hipnosis" y no "hinpsosis". No se si deberían cambiar "concejo" por "consejo (de estudiantes)". ¿No se usa concejo solo para ayuntamientos o casas consistoriales?
Yo recomendaría repasar la traducción si tienen tiempo. Espero no haber molestado con mis puntualizaciones.
Admirable work! The first one have vibes from 80's games (RPG and eroge) that I enjoyed. In fact I found all three interesting and enjoyable. It would be nice to be able to implement them in the game. But it's better not to complicate things for now. Keep working on your music. Great things could come out of it. (I hope I'm not screwing up because you're a professional)
"Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and Happy Holidays to the rest of you!"
It's wonderful how you try to include everyone. It's this spirit of mutual understanding that makes your game useful to society. A few days ago I was thinking that maybe a version with fewer sexual scenes should be made for more general audiences and teenagers who need to be talked about sex without overexposing them to it.
EDIT: I want to note how brave is Chloe. Until now she was the compasionate character for me, but she's taking a risk addressing the situation calmly and asking questions before assuming the worst. I already said that I would like to learn from the characters.
Great, great.
In that case maybe I should explain to you why I was disappointed with the 0.58 update. Especially when I saw the great work you did on 0.60. I understand that it is partly due to your actual focus on improving the graphic part (and that you have a life), but the 0.58 update seemed lazy (or done in a hurry) to me. It is full of narrative ellipses that ignore the best scenes in order to reach the end quickly. It needed more writing. And not only in the juicy parts.
Let me replay it. 0.58 update recove plots from other paths and, thinking about those we have already played, you consider the revelations that occur in them to be known. This will cause players who have just started to find a route that they do not fully understand or that gives many spoilers. Some visual novels reveal the same plots to a greater or lesser extent depending on the route you have chosen. But I think that simply copiing the texts from the others routes (with little changes) is enough. And the most we have the right to ask of you. This is my most important critic.
There's the ellipses in the important parts. It will be great to see in detail how Zatch betrays Chloe's trust in him when puts her in service mode in order to use the helmet again. (Maybe see Zatch's regrets or lack them). But it's a good scene as it is. The epilogue's start is great. But the flashback needs to be expanded. I will love to see the search and find of Natalie retold but it's okay to elide it. But you need to explain why Nataly was drunk in her bed, explain in detail why Zatch says that she is batshit crazy (and maybe remind the player that she is the one who made Zatch lose his job). And above all, talk more about Kylie. She is a strange to the players in that moment. And we need to know more about her in the game. She cooks, she have a submissive side, but we want to see more of her as a person.
The juicy parts I miss but are of little importance are: the Mistress Red rival part 1 and 2 or their making of; watching Natalie's degradation: how she give in to her repressed desires. Even seeing how they were used to help to brainwash her. See in more detail the chairperson moment. See more of Kylie's brainwash. And more from the Natalie-Kylie show.
Played again, this epilogue is a lot better than I remembered it. There wouldn't be much more to write. Part of my disappointment was because I expected a lot from this update. In part, things that I like but are unnecessary and don't have to be needed by others.
I told much but I'm not sure I will be capable of improve your work in that route. It's tricky.
Chloe seems more nourished in this chapter. His head is less elongated.
I loved Rachel's line: "Unnnnhh... Masterrrr...?" XD And Rachel's sleepy face later: Lovely! It's a evil route, so I have regrets feeling this way, but feels so endearing. How Chloe blush for example.
Rachel a closeted submissive? I think it's all due to brainwashing.
I enjoyed the everyday life scenes in this chapter. The scene in Rachel's house was correct. Thanks for made it.
I don't understand why you say nobody cares about this path. I like it as the rest of branches because I enjoy your writing and the moral dilemmas you put in it. I think the other people playing the game will feel the same. I empathize with Hiroko's struglings with regrets and gratitude for Kyou's help. I like her and enjoy endings where everibody is happy. I care about all the characters. I would even like a path where all become friends without penlight's help. Although I like to see Kyou enslaving everybody too. Free friends, submissive friends, all the girls interested in being hypnotized by free will, trusts betrayed, unbreakable friendships, happy endings, horror endings, fetish endings... All posibilities are interesting!
I do not suggest ideas nor have I ever written to you about my impressions of the game or how I enjoy the routes so as not to be a heavy fanboy or alter the ideas you may have about how to continue the routes. It would be a burden if we all talked to you. Also, you seem to be a shy and reserved person. Some routes or situations seem sexy to me and I don't know if you would feel comfortable if I commented on how exciting (emocionantes) they seem to me. But maybe I should give you some more feedback if you want.
The chastity path reminded me of a man who tried to make a friend of mine like dominatrixes, lesbian shows and be less conservative in general. He meant well but you can't force someone to change his ways because you think it will be better for him. Even if you think that person suffers, maybe not betraying his convictions will make him happier. Not the case with Zatch. That's why I find what Rachel and Kylie do interesting and enjoyable. But the video resistance routes help cover the reactions that other type of people would have to the situation. This game continues to be one of the most interesting projects today.
I have tested the new path in version 0.54. I think the triangular shape Chloe's jaw has now makes her look very thin. Almost malnourished. I don't know if it's something wanted to make her seem more fragile. But I have seen that the high quality of the game is maintained. The path the story takes is totally different if you choose Chloe over Kylie. And it also goes with my desire to protect Chloe. Excelsior!