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About non-consensual...

A topic by 6mQtbNHPEGklRksZ2y3 created 80 days ago Views: 389 Replies: 9
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I saw a topic created two years ago by a guy demanding to ban all non-consent games, and to remove the "rape" tag (which seems to have been done). The topic was archived so there was a link to create a new one.

I don't understand why people use their own fragility to demand that the society adapt to their every whim? Should people who suffered a trauma or have a fragility be protected? Well of course! But clearly not at the expense of other people's freedom.

I don't like non-consent stories that end badly, I need them to switch to "resign" and/or a happy ending to enjoy them, otherwise they leave me with a disgusting taste in my mouth. But it is my particular taste, and just because I don't like it when it ends badly does not mean I should impose my own limits on everyone! Let's not forget that fantasy-rape is one of the top 3 fantasies of women...

The main argument of that guy was that illegal stuff IRL should be banned from all depictions in drawings / animes / games... But... Why?!

First of all, in that case we ought to ban millions of content, including media that depict stealing, assaulting, murdering... and even mere insults (as it is forbidden in most countries)!! Hitman, Tropico, GTA, Mafia, Evil Genius... To name a few... But you get the gist. Also, it means that whenever someone with an even bigger fragility will demand something, we ought to erase even more and more content everywhere... Where would it stop?! It does remind of an old era when a certain country burned books they deemed "unfit".

And last but not least, lolicon depictions, while not my thing and not the thing of many people, are known to have got assaults on children drop by 80% in Japan since they were authorized. Isn't that the best reason of all to allow them, as long as they remain in the fantasy world? Just like everything else, for that matter... I enjoy the Hitman game, but I will never go on a killing spree. Hell, I did not even defend myself when I got assaulted a couple of months ago and got my skull bleeding, I only called the police and nothing more... And the same applies to every fantasy. Hence the name: fantasy.

In my opinion, this censorship is abusive. I don't play much hentai games at all, so I don't care that much, but I stumbled upon this old topic and thought I would give my opinion on this. Because freedom is important and should be protected.

My thoughts: sure, please add clear warnings in games descriptions (at the top of the page and just above the subscribe button) so that people who do have a fragility don't suffer unnecessarily, as they of course ought to be protected (I myself also suffered from a trauma, so I can relate). But "protected" does not mean that we should wipe the world clean of everything that triggers them. In the same way that we don't show movies containing erotic scenes or violence to children, but we don't ban such movies for the rest of the world either.

A friend of mine got triggered because of a joke a comedian made about cancer. Should we put to jail all comedians who dare joke about cancer? Of course not. The same applies here. Let people enjoy whatever they like, while actively protecting others from such content if it could trigger them. Add an option when creating an account to check whatever triggers you, and then such content will be filtered.

It should be the best of both worlds, while not resorting to a dangerous slope of censorship.



Why was your account created yesterday?

Why is your account a random set of characters?

Why are you raising a discussion about a topic closed 2 years ago in a subforum that is meant for asking questions and not debating opinions?


why are you asking irrelevant questions?

why are you not replying on the topic at hand?

why are you overcomplicating things?

why are you claiming that this forum can't be used for debate whereas it is one of the options when creating a topic? ... 😘

(1 edit) (+1)

Your account appears to be a bot or someone with the sole intention of trolling.

Second, your post is in the wrong section. If you want to discuss, create the general discussion zone, Your are in Questions & Support and this part is for asking and answering questions, not for discussing the opinion of an account created to hide your identity or to simply create a flame topic.

In any case, the decision is up to the staff. If they think your post is a good fit here, it is their decision. I have reported it, because I think this is not appropriate here. But I am neither a moderator nor do I work on the staff.

If it's in the wrong section, then it's my bad, it seems I didn't pay enough attention when I clicked the "create a new thread" button. If a moderator can move it to the appropriate section, it would be great.

Why would it be "trolling" just to give an opinion and offer different solutions so that absolutely everyone can be happy?


Moved to a better category, but that's relative. You seem to have created an account solely to post about an inflammatory subject. That's a breach of the community rules. You're also offering a "solution" to the "problem" that someone might have had their topic closed years ago for... breaking the same rule. Oh, and arguing with members of the community who point out how problematic your post is. Are you sure this is a wise course of action?

(1 edit)
Why would it be "trolling" just to give an opinion and offer different solutions so that absolutely everyone can be happy?

It's not what you did, but how you did it.

If a person who creates or consumes NSFW content really wants to talk about a complicated topic and give their opinion, that's their right and I think that's fine (As long as it is done without insulting anyone and respecting the community rules).

But normally community members tend to use names that are recognizable by a human, if they consume or create games, you'll have an account created months or even years ago and you'll most likely have some interaction with other members or in some game pages.

An account like yours, created yesterday, with random characters, in a wrong section and about a flame topic, makes me think that it's fake account. These types of accounts are usually used to attack or insult other members and avoid any possible repercussions when talking about a flame topic.

Please note that I am NOT accusing you of any of this, but rather explaining the suspicions or red flags that arise in this case.

Your "understanding" of women says it all

Your "understanding" of English says it all... Who ever talked about women? Also, why can't you accept facts about crime decrease and rejoice that a decrease did actually happen?

Moderator moved this topic to General Discussion

It is a bit of a shame that the tag was removed. I myself have a tendency to enjoy certain games and media of that nature and am sad to see it go. Of course if it's in poor taste then I understand the ban but if done right it can be a media that people enjoy with no harm done.

Admin archived this topic