Greetings! is a wonderful thing and there is very little I feel the need to ask for. There may be some features I would really like, but I don't need any of them. Everything is just fine as it is. There is, however, one feature I require from - existence. I would like to be sure that will exist, preferably for the rest of eternity, but another decade or a few would be fine too.
Hence why I would like to know how is doing economically. Searching the web for a while I was unable to find any information about it since (understandably?) every single search query just sent me to posts/articles about how much the game developers are making. Similarly utopian Cohost seemed to be fine, and now it's dead dead dead - I imagine you're doing better thanks to the high quantity of popular commercial content on your website, but you do also host an immense amount of files for free, so I really have no clue.
If you're doing well, then that would explain the fact that I can't find any way to directly support, instead of revenue-sharing. But that doesn't make sense. You can never have too much money. I want you to grow big enough to buy out Steam. And Google. Maybe you just really want to make sure that every $ you make is accompanied by several $ for the gamedevs you host? But in that case, the big [Support] button you're lacking should just link to a random person's game and say "pay for this game to support us" ;)
On a semi-related note, what happened to the team page? Who even are you people? I'm obviously not entitled to every single detail, but more clarity would be nice. Right now you just have a dead link on the press kit page.
I hope you have a good day!