annuilein: Your text is too huge... - It needs to be shortened because it's impossible to read.
me: *Trying to figure out how to shorten the LonaRPG Morality Problem topic because there's a lot of Morality nonsense in the game that it's hard to write about it in less than an A4 sheet* (BTW - previous topic contained 7864 symbols or 1793 words).
↓↓↓Short version for those who don't want or can't read to much↓↓↓
1) "Morality" word is kinda wrong because pretty much everything in the game that has to do with Morality is literally Reputation things... maybe it's a bad ENG translation... I don't know... but I'd rather call it "Reputation" word and Rep+ (BTW - The unofficial Russian translation has corrected this word a long time ago. Why it can't be done on the English version?)
2) If no one sees you're gonna lose your Morality points anyway if you kill someone even if you're out in the middle of nowhere... and sometimes for killing certain people/fishkinds the game doesn't touch your Morality points at all... (Because of because).
3) You can do the most horrible things you can imagine, rob the bank, kill the most influential man in the city, you can kill even a cute little black cat in the tavern, you can kill absolutely anyone, anywhere, and then just to feed 30 random people that no one knows anything about or save 30 random women from the Goblins/Deep One/Aboimintaion that no one knows anything about which will gives you 30 Morality points and no one will touch you again in the any cities because your Morality has become positive (So in a sense Good/Bad Morality mechanic doesn't matter at all sometimes).
4) Some people you helped once don't consider this fact at all and will attack you anyway if you don't have at least 30 Morality even though you were just five minutes ago helping Cecilly and Gray rat... they're just gonna try to kill you if your Morality is down by even one point.
and etc...