This is ultimately the same bug as existed with <e>pause<e> in the past. I fixed it by inserting the \u200B character, as you did in the code for <pause>.
Heyo, I have completed integration with SuperTextMesh and it is fantastic! I did need to make minor modifications to the base class in ways that I feel would be really useful to have in there for others, though. The way I've done/exposed these things is pretty basic, but done in a way that quickly met my needs (for the record, my needs were just visibility with the two bools, not writing). If future updates allowed these to be done in a way that had official support, I would definitely update to that version right away. Diff is below:
< public bool speedReading = false;
< public bool skippingToEnd = false; //alt version of speedread that just skips to the end
> private bool speedReading = false;
> private bool skippingToEnd = false; //alt version of speedread that just skips to the end
< public void UnsubscribeAllRegisteredEvents()
< {
< onCompleteEvent?.RemoveAllListeners();
< OnCompleteEvent = null;
< onUndrawnEvent?.RemoveAllListeners();
< OnUndrawnEvent = null;
< onRebuildEvent?.RemoveAllListeners();
< OnRebuildEvent = null;
< onPrintEvent?.RemoveAllListeners();
< OnPrintEvent = null;
< onCustomEvent?.RemoveAllListeners();
< OnCustomEvent = null;
< onVertexMod?.RemoveAllListeners();
< OnVertexMod = null;
< onPreParse?.RemoveAllListeners();
< OnPreParse = null;
< }