When you just have get work done, what do you put on to drown out the horror and noise of everyday existence?
Rules and clarifications:
1. It can absolutely be an album, a song, or even just a genre, but more specific is, I think, better.
2. If you have the ability to post a link, please do!
3. If there are explicit lyrics, please call that out (because I'll almost definitely listen to some of this music at work :-) )
4. Put a little something in there about how this became the choice!
I'll start: I use the Day of the Dead OST because I can't get work done if there's lyrics, at over an hour it's the right length to knock out a chunk of something, it's got a relentless energy to it that works in the movie and for getting things done, and because I listened to this a whole whole bunch to inspire me when I had to write a zombie game once.