First, I wanted to thank you so much for creating awesome plugins like this! I just bought it because it is very useful and it has so many features!
I was wondering: would it be possible to add optional (maybe toggable via plugin command and/or via script call) turn based movement and attacks on map? For example: the player can walk step by step and after each step he can use skills, basic attacks, items, etc. Enemies will do the same after each single step/turn.
A single turn would pass if the player makes one step. And also a single turn would pass if the player uses a basic attack, or a skill, or an item. After the player has passed a single turn, it would be the enemies' turn to make a step or to use a skill/item/etc. Then, it's player's turn again.
Maybe this feature could be optional for each event/enemy/follower/vehicle as well, for example by putting a comment or a custom notetag (some events could not have turn based movement/attacks, for example, like NPCs; or maybe it could be a toggable option in certain maps via notetags, so in some maps the player, the events, the followers, the vehicles and the enemies are affected by the turn based movement/attacks and in certain maps they can move/attack freely).
Let me know if this is feasible! :)