I don't know if it happens to other (would-be) game designers but the other day I got struck by an idea SO good and strong it just begged to become a game. However, it's a very very sad game about grief and death which is a subject that will most likely lead to bleed (and maybe even worst) for the players. Don't worry! I will make sure to put all the emotional support tools in place within the text of the game to try to avoid that.
But that's where I get to a my dilemma: As we all know, to ensure the game you write is a good game you have to playtest it again and again... However, I don't know I will be able to deal with the emotional load of playtesting it to shred.
So have you ever had a game that "pained" you but that you HAD to write/play/playtest?
Tyrannoeil aka the French Beholder