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Structural Integrity

A topic by Random Commander created Dec 07, 2016 Views: 835 Replies: 26
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Long wall of text, but it explains something really important. Please bear with me :)

I have been mulling over ideas on how to make situations in CDITDZ more believable (instead of dying when both legs/your sword arm/one pixel of your head is cut off, for instance) and still avoid "stalled moments" in the action of the game at the same time. One of my most prominent ideas so far is the idea of Integrity - or how well your robot is holding up. It's kind of like a overall health bar, but with an abstract twist - it's not a set amount of health for your whole drone, it's actually an indicator of how likely you are going to die in the next grazing hit.

The way this "Integrity" feature works is thus: there is no visible value for the player to keep track of, but if the game's internal value for a robot's integrity reaches a certain point, the Integrity condition level (henceforth known as just "condition") changes, from Green (full Integrity) all the way to Critical (which essentially means the next hit is more than likely to kill you, and in my mind is indicated by a blinking red label). The Integrity level for the robot decreases with every hit they take, the value subtracted depending on certain conditions and which body part was hit. Some examples are as follows:

- Getting hit in the head should still be very bad. Losing one pixel may put you one condition lower, but having a large chunk of head getting cut off will either kill you outright or put you immediately into Critical condition. Decapitation should kill regardless of integrity.

- Losing a limb will definitely put you into Orange condition - you have been disabled in some way. If this was your sword hand, something special happens: your integrity will start decreasing over time! When it hits zero, you die. That means the inevitable will happen even if you don't want it to, and yet you don't just die outright (unless you took other severe damage too, it's still easy to get killed!) This happens to enemies too, but I'll explain that later.

- Losing bits of limbs and torso shouldn't be too bad. A few pixels of your left shoulderpad and a few dings on your right knee is enough to get you to Yellow condition, for example. But little things add up! Missing your Bow arm, one pixel of your head, and both legs have been hit at least once? Critical condition, be careful from now on!

- Non-humanoid robots obviously have different ways of getting their integrity reduced, Spider trons 5000 and 6000 will still be in Green condition if you sliced a part of one leg off. Hitting their weak points are still deadly though - in the case of Spider tron 6000 it will put him in Orange (or whatever counts as half) condition if his legs were left unscathed. This gives him a chance to be "deactivated" the next time you hit his head but fail to destroy the remaining eye, though it is very slight until you get him into Critical condition (or at least one step lower from Orange - it may not even be Red condition that's next!

Some hits are still insta-kill, like decapitation or getting cut in half, but most other hits should be a little less fatal this way. Integrity has a visual cue as well - the more sparks from the robot, the more damaged it is.

About losing limbs: This is the most dramatic change with the introduction to Integrity - losing your sword hand only gradually kills you instead of instantly kills you. You can't do much to damage foes, perhaps kick them down or jetpack around and lure them into sawblades, but that's about it. There is no effective way to dispatch enemies without your sword, and that will make for some boring times. Thankfully, your integrity degrades when something like this happens, and you should eventually die without much tedium. This goes double for enemies without their swords - they may run around trying to avoid you or try to kick you down, but they will eventually deactivate on their own if enough time passes, so no long, drawn-out chases around the arena!

It's optional if Doborog wants the same to happen when both legs are cut off, at least how I play I am more likely to cut a robot in two than take off both their feet.

TL;DR: Have a label that shows how damaged you are and have it change according to what parts are damaged or gone. Have it degrade when sword arm is missing until it kills you due to lack of integrity and have that affect enemies as well.

well... I don't really like the idea of health decreasing overtime, and I feel that it could spark some annoying games e.g. having your sword arm cut off in the middle of a titanium level (this would apply only if doborog changes losing your sword arm to make it non lethal, something which I support) and after finishing the level (with no clones) you die on your way down to the upgrade bot. in addition, I don't think having any sort of visual cues about how damaged your robot is (besides well, the damage and loss of pixels) isn't the right feel for CDITDZ if you can understand my bad typing and where i'm coming from :)

to clarify, this is my opinion-plz no hate :)

I see where you are coming from and don't worry: when it comes to comments that have a tendency to spark hate, I keep an open mind.

It's highly unlikely that you will be able to finish a titanium level without your sword arm, but I can still see it happening. Honestly, I agree that it can be annoying, and I can think of a way to fix it, but I don't want to be in a position where I'm sounding like I am telling Doborog what to do with their game. I also halfway agree with your disdain for the visual cue - I think having the robots spark when damaged is a little too much, but I feel you should at least KNOW that your robot is at the verge of a "death by poking" - this visual cue for your own health can be as subtle as a colored square beside the energy meter, for example, and that doesn't interfere with the overall game in my opinion.

I have a question for you because I am honestly curious: Do you have a better idea on what should happen if your sword arm gets cut off?

this is not originally my idea: hand to hand combat


You get both your arms and legs chopped off you can roll into enemies to have a kick like effect. That would be funny.


The integrity thing sounds complicated. It's better if it's very simple.

There's a lot of cool things that can be done with dismemberment, but I probably won't touch it for a while. The current system is not all it could be but strikes a pretty good balance between novel behavior from losing limbs and a high likelihood that a strike that lands will kill you.

I think a problem with being able to fight without a sword is that you might be good enough at the game to dodge enemy attacks, but not good enough to kill them with your less effective unarmed attacks. You can already see this happening when you lose a leg. The loss of mobility is usually lethal, but skilled players can use their good sense of timing to survive pretty well.

WAIT! if you add the upgrade of power kicks that would allow players to have a form of combat without their sword, so if they lose their sword hand they don't die and have a chance! AND you get to kick off enemy's heads like a ninja! There are likely a few problems with this because i've barely thought this through. but it would solve this problem IN ADDITION to adding a much wanted, very fun upgrade! SO PLEASS DOBOROG ADD THE THINGS IN THIS REPLY!!!!! :D

-plz no hate :)

A sort of "Shock-kick?" I like it!

I think there might be better, simpler ways about doing this though: like a one-handed laser dagger? or the ability to self-destruct? It would be cool to see armless mk 3 robots try to explode on you!

I LOVE the energy dagger idea, does the robot pull it out from somewhere or is it just an emmiter that creates a blade on it's wrist, like Assassin's Creed hidden blade?

Please tell me it's the latter.

Also, what if you could throw your sword, and while you don't have it you emit an energy dagger from your wrist and stab some MK3 Combat Archers?

So, in my opinion the Damaging Kick is cool, an Assassin's Creed-like hidden blade would be awesome, but, I had another idea

*insert drumroll, no, insert the Legend of Zelda chest opening music*

Energy knuckles! You could punch your enemies in their faces, maybe combo it with the Damaging Kick and you have Drone Fu!

well I mostly said the kick because a power upgrade on the kick line has been suggested multiple times. but I love the idea of an energy dagger :)

oh I'm looking at your topic now

Ok, here's what's odd. In an earlier version of the game, there WERE kick upgrades, though not to the magnitude that you describe.

Why did they remove the power kick in the first place?

that was because the upgrade actually made the kick worse, because you would ALSO fly back on impact, making it muck harder to kill the robot before it gets back up :3


ah, but I should add: being able to survive a single voxel being destroyed from your head is in the backlog. That doesn't feel quite right at the moment. :)

doborog please read this

If it's not too much to ask, Doborog, could you elaborate on the current dismemberment mechanics of CDITDZ?

There is a glitch that will totally throw this idea off. It's what I'm going to call "The Saving Bug". Say you get your leg chopped off (the most annoying thing in the game) on level 17. You would be very mad, simply exit to menu, and click on whatever you were doing (Story or Endless). Doing this puts back everything that happened since you were last in the room with upgrade bot (except for clones). This allows you to scout out the next mission almost carefree. Say you end up like the black knight (If you got that, you're awesome) with an arm and a leg chopped off. Do that and you'll come back fine with full repairs. I think this bug should get patched and maybe add an upgrade that heals all damage done to your drone/clone-of-a-drone. This upgrade would NOT have a max limit. As it simply puts back that leg that Mk:2 Jetbot stole from you.

(1 edit)

Well, then I became like the Black Knight and even worse today, I got:

Arm and leg chopped off

About a third or so of my torso removed because of a Spidertron grenade

My other shoulder pad damaged

My other thigh damaged

The back was basically a mess of Voxels

How do you rate this level of damage?

"I learned worse"

All of the above except my other shoulderpad was completely destroyed.

Hmmmm... I'd rate that... "Mortal Kombat Fatality"

I rate it "of COURSE that happens to such a foolish human"


What about when you die because you lost ONE SINGLE STUPID VOXEL from your head?

I'd rate that: "Cheap Victory X500"

hmm... I'd rate it "good, let's move on to the next human" :3

There was something wrong with that human, anyway.

exactly =P