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A topic by Redbeet Interactive created Dec 31, 2016 Views: 166,971 Replies: 1,499
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Can you try to make this work on MAC Os X Please.

In my "crafting zone", there's no stairs and walls. why???

Because it is in the biulder hammer u need to right click when holding it


My hand just randomly changed and i cant attack the shark but when i re-load the game, its back normally

My menu backgrounds is pink pls pix that

(1 edit)

All other items in storage remain except the mackerel. The fish will remain in my on-person inventory, but not in the chests - cooked or raw. [Using Windows 64-bit V 1.04]

You should definitely add a opening range to chests. i was wondering while playing why i can open chests from other side of my raft.


We agree. This has been fixed in V1.05

I do not know why but when i tried to play Raft the screen was all pink and although i saw the bar that showed the stuff you are carrying and can use like the hook and stuff the rest of the screen was all pink and i do not understand part of it. Please help cause i really really want to play Raft and it looks really fun.

Quando entro no jogo minha tela fica rosa?pq

Please Answer Fast Why every Time I play The screen always pink?!

Sometimes if I destroy a platform with the axe I can't place anything else in this place. After a re-load of the game it works again. Just a little bug but sometimes a bit annoying.

This isn't that much important but nice if it's fixed :)


This bug has been fixed and will be fixed in V1.05

Thanks for reporting it though

I found this bug where the potatoes you have in a cropplot disapears or "moves" from cropplot to tree cropplot. For example today when i started my world, i had 2 trees in a normal cropplot instead of 4 trees in 4 different tree cropplots and later when i took a brake and wanted to play again all my 30+ potatoes in cropplots where gone and i found 1 in a tree cropplot. Like how is this even possible?

When i join the game i dont have water i have dark blue platform Can someone help me pls


The chests have bugs, when you put something in, they disappear after you leave the game.

It's just the same

Items that remain on the label after recording disappear

Hi, here is my draft list of bugs I have encountered playing the game. (Windows)

1: Spear not working for no apparent reason, the spear is not placed the way its supposed to be in the hand and cannot be used against the shark. I tried making a new one but it doesn't change anything. When clicking the mouse, nothing happens. (I had to stop playing since the shark was tearing down my raft and I couldn't do anything about it.)

2: Coconuts keep rolling on the raft until they fall into the sea whatever the length of your raft unless there's something to block it (wall or a chest by example)

3: Sometimes walls cannot be placed around a pillar or a coconut patch, I had to remove the patch or the pillar to add the wall first then re-add the patch or the pillar.

4: Items caught in the item net are not displayed in the right net (Not a major bug)

5: When breaking a foundation, sometimes I can't replace a new one afterward and I have to wait for a while before I can place a new one.

That's all for now, but appart from that great game I love it, can't wait for these bugs to be fixed and for further updates

Why I dont have water under my raft its so annoying even when i change the graphics to ''Fantastic'' i am still floating over the void

Just loaded the game, everything I had in cookers, in chests, or planted is gone. My trees and potatoes are missing, my ten chests worth of items are all empty, and anything I had left on the cookers(water/food) is gone.


This should have been fixed in the upcoming patch V1.05. Apologies for now

I would like it to be dark if I had multiplayer more food and animals and it happened at night the aurora borealis and also that it had flying animals

My screen is only pink, the game controls and others woks correctly , but I cant see nothing only the pink color. Please Help


same for me too :(

Im having a problem with my controlls, I accedently changed my RightClick to "L" and Im not able to change it back to Right mouse button. Please help me to make me able to enjoy the game, sorry for my English Im from Sweden

how do i get rid of the pink screen?!

I had a bug that the shark kept turning around without stopping untill i killed him and he reseted. Its not a big bug but i felt like reporting it! By the way, i have windows 10.FYI


Thanks for reporting it anyway :D

every time i load up the game the mouse doesn't show can you please fix it.

When you look at the shadows we see that we're arms ! :D

Yo uso linux 64 bits y executo el archivo que le corresponde luego de darle permisos pero no abre ni nada

Hello Raft community,

I just downloaded the game but i can not use the mouse on starting menu.

i can see it and move it around but cant click on anything.

Anyone might have a solution to this?

I played for hours and I really enjoyed the game, unfortunately all the items that were in my second chests room disappeared, I did some tests putting other items in the same chests and restarting the game, unfortunately they disappeared again, also the trees and potato that Planto do not save, already tested with antivirus disabled and no use, the game is very good, I hope the developers keep working on it. Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I do not speak english very well.

quando entro no raft a tela fica rosa e esse jogo parece muito bom e estou querendo muito joga esse joga? alguem sabe como resolver


Deleted 4 years ago

Listen if you click reply dont reply to my comment its just annoying im not a developer if u want to contact them you need to go to reply up the top of the screen


I saw Fruit play raft on YT and thought that it looked like fun. So I downloaded it, extracted it and launched it. the setting window thing comes up and clicked play. Then the game launched but I couldn't play. It didn't crash or turn pink, I just couldnt play. I clicked on the "Create New Game" Button but it didn't work I tried 32 and 64, I am on windows BTW. So It doesn;t let me click on anything not even exit game. Pls Hel[

Listen if you click reply dont reply to my comment its just annoying im not a developer if u want to contact them you need to go to reply up the top of the screen


want me to send u a working version ik im not like dev or owner but i can help

when you charge up to throw your hook sometimes it will do the animation and then when you let go it will just fly like you threw it

Don't know if it was meant, but I can't seem to break the small crop, water cooker, and some other stuff, it works well for the foundations tho.

You have to take out the foundation/floor below the cooker and other items to destroy them.

oh ok


You will be able to break them in the upcoming patch :D

Thanks for reporting it :D


Hello, building a stairs above Net fundations, isn't the best idea. The hitbox to collect the net get weird.
Thank you for your game :)


Thank you!

All hitboxes have been improved in the upcoming version 1.05 :D

I see in YouTube videos the ocean is blue but when I play it's grey I'm on a ma

Not a bug but more than a mistake. On your page by the dev logs, you wrote hlep.

Hope i could help you.

P.S.: I know this isnt the best english i write


Thanks, this has been fixed :D


i`ve noticed two bugs

the first one is that if you have a fishing rot on your hand and then you put out spear sometimes it glitches and it remains fishing rot so you cant attack a shark

another thing is when you load in game the things that were gathered in net dissapear and the shark is not hungry anymore (wont bite your raft for a period of time) which can be abused by going in water then saving and loading the game the shark will go away or by doing that after the shark bites a piece of raft you can save your raft without "fighting"

anyway the new update is cool but i would like the game to have difficulties to cose from

thanks :)

Sometimes, I can't place a foundation, I have to go back to the main menu and reload my save to be able to do it.

same me 2

pls help me im really lagging but i have a good pc

please fix this problem if you can

thank you

Listen if you click reply dont reply to my comment its just annoying im not a developer if u want to contact them you need to go to reply up the top of the screen


sorry i wanted to reply to them im new here...


Random trees


Pretty funny bug and this bug should have been fixed now in the upcoming version 1.05

Thanks for reporting in :D

Hey i was playing yesterday and i noticed my spear was pointing up and i couldent hit the shark

Thanks for reading

Wolfy [plays alot...]

almost all my stufff is missing i started recording for a vid then i looked in a chest and it was gone


This is a known issue and we do apologize for it. We do however believe that it has been fixed now for the upcoming version 1.05

I wonder when its gonna come out :/

I know this is strange but whenever i click on raft.exe it doesn't open, the blue wheel on cursor just spins and that's it. I'm using windows



We have not encountered this before.

Try starting it as an Administrator :D

Tried Running it with administrator rights and still doesn't open. Can i try to download it again? If i try how do i return the saved game.

Oh never mind, i just moved it to another location and it didn't work but i moved it back to old location and it works. Thanks for help. You've made a great game.

Hi, in this video there are 4 bugs


Thanks for reporting these bugs

hello i have a problem with starting the game and it says to sent these files to u and btw it doesn t open

My items disappears from my chests.

HELP! i CANT play it it's just a pink screen it lets me make a gae but after that i cant even movve or do anything

(2 edits)

After a while of playing the game a pink checker board (like an artifact) appears, then the whole screen is covered in pink patterns.

First time, I could ctrl alt delete and it closed the game. Second time, I didn't wait to find out. This has never happened to me with any other game before, though my video card is new. Very disturbing problem.


  • i5-4690K
  • MSI RX 480 8GB
  • 8GB RAM
  • 1TB HDD

You definitely have good enough specs. Because you have a new graphics card try downloading the latest drivers for it and also make sure that you have Directx 11 installed.

I made a post on the thread for bug reports if you could check it out th at would be great <3.

Disappearing props

First time I loaded my saved game, everything was fine, but the times after that all the props in the chests disappeared! Also the trees disappeared! I don't know what other things did.. The chests and the tree on the ground floor do save the props I put in them, maybe because I placed them there before I first saved it.

I hope this problem will be solved soon! I'm new to this website by the way, do I have to visit this website to download updates? Or does the game notify me when there's a new update? Thanks!

- Floss

In the update that came out a couple days, ago my spear does not work so i just have to watch as the shark eats my platforms ;-; (windows 10)

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Most Encountered Bugs In The Ocean:

Laggy Bug (Lag Suddenly, even When I use Razer Cortex)

Disappered Chest (Stuffs gone when i returned)

Potato "Plam" Tree (Plam Tree auto Planted in the plot)

Sticky Hand (No longer attack shark with a spear, but can fixed it in restart)

Auto Throw (Suddenly When Start Aiming, my hook or rod automaticly throw it selfs)

When i say restart, i mean you go out to the main menu then go back to the game, the bug should be fixed. Srsly, i tried and its work

(1 edit)

Must be your computer or your OS, I played the game for about 2 weeks and that never happened to me O.o

Plus, Razer Cortex doesn't do all that much for lag.

The game glitched out and I got stuck in a board when the shark was attacking me. I died and I was doing really good on that game save. Please help.

Some times I can't place the floor/foundation because the game thinks there is no floor/foundation to place it next to..

I don't see any water I only see kinda blue stuff but no water renders

I put up walls all around my palm trees, when i cop down the trees the coconuts roll away and through the walls falling into the water, coconuts would not be able to roll through the walls, glitch?

help me to fix pink screen on raft fast help

how to fix pink screen

(1 edit)

(NON-DEVELOPER) It must be your computer or OS, i'm not a professional ,but check if you have Direct X 11 installed.

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Hey i was playing and used the chest and I saved it and when i went to the main menu and when I went back on my stuff in the chest was gone and plants in planters disappeared


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Bunny Hop Glitch, When jumping with "W and A/D" held down sideways it gives you insane velocity.

You can open chests from a mile away.

Inventory- When droping a stack of items it instantly disappears

Item Net- Items go out of the net when caught. This gives the appearance of items in other nets and/or outside t he net in general.

Shadow- Player shadow is only arms and slightly annoying. (On Beautiful setting, I don't know about lower settings.)

Shark can attack you through the raft at times, but it doesn't damage you - Slightly annoying and scary to those not expecting it :P.

Tree- In the Planter once the tree grows there is a slim chance for you to go through the tree while you are standing on top of it, t hen go through the platform or floor and usually get stuck and you have to start over.

Spear- It has a slow attack speed, but in a bug that I found out you can double hit at times at random

Walls and Chests- You cant place a wall behind of a chest that is placed down on the same tile you are trying to put the wall on. Very annoying which leads you to break the chest and build a new one.

Potato Crops- It is hard to harvest at different angles usually mildly annoying but most appreciated if fixed.

Durability on Item Net- Doesn't show the durability of the structure instead, it shows the amount of items while holding the hammer set to repair mode (This still happens without any items in the net.

Jumping- Holding down space to jump endlessly should not be in the game.

Food- You can eat endless amounts of food, even if you are full. (personally doesn't make sense.)

Floors on pillars- When you break the floor underneath the pillar that is supporting a 3x3 area of wooden foundations there is usually one that just floats which is game breaking.

Minor Bug- You cannot break cropplots, water purifiers, and cooking station

Farming- With a full inventory and while holding a stack of potados, if you attempt to harvest them when you have a stack of potados in your hand it should plant even though the cropplot is full of fully grown potados.

Axe- Sounds like it is hitting wood when swinging in the air with nothing/something around you.

Thanks for reading this thread and please reply saying thanks! Have a nice day! :D

(EDIT) While playing the game a little bit more I realized that the platform does go away after a while, but still a little bit game breaking <3

Sirs, i have downloaded raft but when i start the game i just get full pink screen with a hotbar! can you guys help me please i really wanna play this game!

This is bullshit, i reported on this forum and no one reply'd to my bug..

is raft developer gonna help me or just pass through my post and reply to other people...

This is my problem:

When i download the game and open it, i cant click on create new game or save game or exit game. my mouse does move around but i just cant click on anything on the starting menu.


Hello if we have missed your previous posts we apologize.

We have not encountered this problem before and are unsure why it is happening. What operating system are you on and what mouse are you using?

sometimes when i want to go to menu and back into game to save, the seeds I planted before going to menu are no more there and are gone from inventory and chests too.

Hello good evening my game is giving problem, it hangs and turns white and opens a talking box (the game crashed) as possor solve? Waiting for a reply obg: check out aglumas words are wrong I'm using google translate

I have the game already installed and everything, but when the game starts, when it is in with the character does not let me move the camera who helps me please

(1 edit)

hello i found a bug where i put my stuff in my chest and when i leave my profile or the game it delets it self and seeds, food, water everything that is not in my inventory gets deleted pls help me game is awesome but my inventory gets full and i cant do anything


Sorry about this. The chest bug has been fixed and we will release a patch very soon

(2 edits)

I have A problem And It dont show me the seaThe dipered Sea! Tap The red letters To See. I taped 32 bit to download raft 1.0.4 v. i also have 32 bit in my computer. Fix The Bug Or glich.It worked fine the first save, but the second one seems to be glitched out. All my chests, tree planters, potato planters were empty. But the water and the cooking stations had stuff still in them.

I do not have resolution 640 x 400

I have 64bit computer why i no such resolution


That resolution may not be supported by your monitor. I do believe that is a way to small resolution for the game to run on anyway.

Can't download... the time of the download goes up until gets like 6 hours, and the download stop... i'm brazillian so for me appears "falha- erro na rede" that in english is like "fail- error in the net (or network) "



Other people that have had this problem has solved it by switching browser. Try Internet explorer or some other browser.




Not sure if it's a bug, but breaking the chest with loots in it, it will destroyts the loots too. If it's not a bug then something like if it's falls on the ground would be good.


This is a bug and it has been fixed, it will be in the next patch which will be released soon


I didn't see anyone else reporting this issue, or I haven't seen it but after a while my games starts to crash whenever i'm just playing the game. I'm having this issue only after some days now. I start the game, load my saved game, start playing and a bit later all of a sudden my game freezes and i lose all my progress that i've made :/ Does anyone have this as well or does anyone knows a slution for this?

help my fix pink screen

I got stuck under one of the foundation pieces and just died without any way to escape so probably option to reset your location would be nice. You can also try to make the shark a little bit weaker because it pushed me into the wooden piece...

i got stuck under one foundation too but i just chopped it away with my axe to fix it

but my screen is moving and chopping cancels halfway and then i just die

Pleazy fix the lag

Hi i just now had a bug when i left the game and i came back in i had things in my chest and like it wiped like everything in my chest and nothings in it anymore if you could fix this Thanks! -Results23

(1 edit)

I fall into a net and the shark pushed me under the raft i got stuck and dead :(

Uploading video :D

Reporting a bug


Terribly sorry about this.

We have tried to fix this bug in V1.05 and it should hopefully not happen anymore.

(1 edit)

I get the following stuff in the console when trying to start the game on osx 10.9 :

18/01/17 00:47:39,765 Finder[217]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x335d80c3
18/01/17 00:47:45,586[192]: (unity.Raft.Raft.170224[4046]) Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 13
18/01/17 00:47:45,587 Finder[217]: 8837325: Attempting to SIGCONT to pid #4046 failed, with errno=#3, or the process failed to actually start
18/01/17 00:47:45,588 Dock[215]: no information back from LS about running process LSASN:{hi=0x0;lo=0xb20b2}
18/01/17 00:47:45,599 Finder[217]: 8837325: Attempting to SIGCONT to pid #4046 failed, with errno=#3, or the process failed to actually start
18/01/17 00:47:45,610 Finder[217]: 8837325: Attempting to SIGCONT to pid #4046 failed, with errno=#3, or the process failed to actually start
18/01/17 00:47:45,621 Finder[217]: 8837325: Attempting to SIGCONT to pid #4046 failed, with errno=#3, or the process failed to actually start

... last line repeated many times.

And a bit of googling for the noticable "Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 13" gave the sollution: the app is not executable.
To fix open a termial window in the extraction folder

chmod +x V1.04_Raft_MacUniversal

and it runs.

Looks like a packaging mistake.


Thanks. We (the developers) do not use Mac ourselves and we do not know how to package it correctly. It would be great if you could tell us how to package a Mac version.

My game is really slow, lags, and the water is dark blue/purple. Everything else works.

I'm not sure if this is because something i did or if it is a glitch, but i need some help.

When playing in multiplayer (Have yet to try it in single player): If you mash 'E' when a barrel first hits the net as a host you obtain an obscene amount of materials and as a connected player it's nearly infinite.


Hey! We are not the creators of multiplayer and we can't help you with that bug. If you message the creator of the multiplayer extension I'm sure that he will help you.

hello by any chance what device are you playing on???


[BUG] Les poissons disparaissent quand je les met dans le "cooking station".

Je ne peux donc pas manger !!

Merci de vos réponses

Translation: hello,

(bug) the fish are disappearing when I put them in the "cooking station".

therefor I cannot eat!!

Thank you for your responses

Foundation & chests

Still can't always place foundation at some places, mostly when the shark just destroyed it (I believe)

Items in chests disappear when reloaded game, only happenes with chests which are placed AFTER the first (few?) save(s)

But I love the game, it's a great game!!

Linux version dont work... its simply it, the game dont even launch. I installed it,, restarted my pc and nothing...Idk if helps but i saved all the "errors logs" that appeared in the screen. If you need of them, just send me a msg.

I'm trying to run Raft on Ubuntu 14.04 but the game will not start.

When I double click on V1.04_Raft_LinuxUniversal.x86_64 a Raft Configuration window is opened that let's me choose resolution and graphics quality. When I click OK the window closes and nothing happens. When I double click V1.04_Raft_LinuxUniversal.x86 instead, nothing happens at all.

I'm sorry if this is a problem on my end and has nothing to do with the game. Any help would be appreciated.

items are disappearing from chests and game isn't saving

While in the water, if your beside a net and the boat rocks u can actually get wedged and stuck in the net until it bobs back up again and one other glitch i ran into was while playing half way through my play through my spear turned into a non function fishing rod that was still named spear, but later fixed itself when i re launched the game. Hope Ive been some help. (Love the game and the idea behind it, good luck)

everytime i play i have the old version of the game how can i have the updated vetrsion of thje game please help ???

Download the new version, extract the files.

So this is probably already known but I fell into a net and got stuck under the raft. 8 stories and many hours in and I die because of a stupid bug. Probably never going to play this again now.

I just tried to play the game, but the graphics are broken or something. Everything is full of pixels, and there is stripes all over the screen. It can't be an issue with my pc, because it should be able to easily handle the game.

Can anyone help me? Is there a way to fix this

(1 edit)

When I open my game, everything turns pink, I can only see the hotbar, the rest is all pink. Windows

(1 edit)

game deleted all my items in the chest, chest might be bugged. :(

In Raft I have a chest with food and whenever I leave the game and then I return this chest is not with food but with other resources. (Example: I have a chest with woods, when I leave and I return, the items of this chest are Multiplied and placed inside the food chest and in the same positions)

My water graphics are not loading.

There is a bug/glitch where I am walking around, I'll pause it and then my computer will lock/shut down. Kinda like when you close your laptop lid and you open it, the screen goes dark and nothing responds. It's done this for both 32 bit and 64 bit versions and I didn't alter any files.

Translated by Google.

The game is with some bugs that are being solved, like: When your backpack is complete and you try to pick up an item, it is a barrel that automatically falls into the foundation, like that few item and you end up losing the item. PC Windows, an item does not appear, and there are other Bugs that happen, but I think it's so without my PC). Great game, keep up the good work!

Mac OS water is just dark blue, making it hard to see resources floating by

(1 edit)

I have a bug which is that I can't see the sea it just blue it dosnt have texture of the ocean like the riples and there are no items when I start or maybe its becuase of the ocean or sea

raft dev, please fix the glitch where everything disappears from most of my chests, cropplots, and all my trees vanish when i save and go back in the game.

I started up raft and all my items in my chests disapeared

A bug for me is i open the game on my windows 10PC i didnt use winrar or anything to extract the file i just pressed extract i opened the game up and made a map and where the items r ment to be is just white i save my game exit come back on and im floating in the ocean with no more plank

After a few hits I can't attack the shark anymore, which will result in much loss of base in the future

Hi, i have a mac, and the there is no tutorial, i only know how to play from youtubers, but i have tried every button and i still cant build anything else like pillars and stair-like structors, i can only build foundation.

anyone know?

I was playing recently and I dropped into the water to fight the shark. I was going to get some shark meat but i also wanted to see how much damage the shark and how fast. So I stayed close to a corner of three foundations. When I killed the shark I glitched into the foundation behind me. I tried to break the foundation but as I was in the water it was to hard with the floating effect. So I died of fatigue and was pretty annoyed because I had accomplished a lot in that save. So I would love if this was fixed <3

Hi there,

Just downloaded today (Win x64), and have been encountering a recurring bug where the game will just crash randomly. The only way I can rectify it is by force quitting the game. Whilst crashed, the game still seems to be playing (I can open inventory, use the hook etc.), but the screen is just frozen so I can't see anything that's happening. Sometimes it'll happen after 5 mins, sometimes after 30 seconds, meaning so far I haven't been able to make any significant progress as I'm not saving every few minutes. Here's my output log in case you need it:




We are not totaly sure but it seems to be that you are running out of VRAM. Your graphics card does not have enough memory to render the game.

(1 edit)

Hey, I went out of the game and relaunched it, and when I was back in all things in all chest (except one) had disappeared, the food and water I was cooking had also disappeared.

1.05 seems to cause fatigue just standing there (I suspect the water bobbing up and down on the raft causes it to trigger the fatigue).


Thanks, we have noticed this aswell. Small mistake by us

I just got the new version 1.05 and the water is glitchingt like crazy there is a rainbow of colours flashing in the water at all times

Me To

I'm also having this problem. The water flashes multiple different colors when you're moving. It doesn't seem to happen for me when you pause the game or hold still, but it's still a pretty obvious issue. Here's a screenshot if it helps:



We have not seen this issue before but we can take a guess. Try installing Directx11 and update your graphics card driver to the latest version.

Deleted 3 years ago

When Your building A Net You Can Collect Items In It Even When Its Not Built

V1.05: I have a palmtree growing in the cropplot after leaving the game and starting it up again. The bug was also in V1.04

The new version of the bug: when I walk sometimes suggest that to sink in water for a few seconds.

thus to this bug happens when I walk on the ground floor,

Guys i dropped of the end of the games world and am in a never ending drop from 1.04 patch not even fatigue does anything in your new patch 1.05 is there something i can do? my world was HUGE i cannot lose this :(((((

Are save files from 1.04 transportable to 1.05? If so, How?

Yes, it's literally called load up 1.5. Your 1.4 save files should be able to be loaded. If you have chests with stuff in them in 1.4 then play 1.5 the chests will actually have the items still in them etc.

Hey I Think I Found A Bug In 1.0.5! When I Play On Fastest To Good Settings The Water Glitches Out! This Is Bad For Me Because When I Play It Lags On Super High Settings So I'm Stuck With The Glitchy Water! I Also Tried Messing With The Video Settings. Is Their A Way To Fix This :(

I can't get the game to run I tried the 64bit and 32 bit download for the windows version but it keeps crashing after I press play. I would really like some help so I can try this game.

(1 edit)

Consistent, non-recoverable freezing when building rafts that have "bridges" to the corners of the shark's normal path. Most likely has to do with shark AI path finding becoming broken from too many obstructions. Attaching a save file I designed to exacerbate the glitch to the point where the crashing is extremely consistent (frequently within 10 seconds, occasionally within 30, never takes more than 60 seconds to crash)

Save was made exclusively on V1.04, no file editing or glitches were used to get the game to this state

I confirmed the same thing happens on newer, smaller saves that only have bridges built to those areas, but was unable to keep a save file due to the consistency of the freezing.

EDIT: Just saw V1.05 was released. Checked the same save file using V1.05 without changing anything else, and it still happens.

I have seen were some items are getting stuck,and not floating down like there suppose to. I am sure reloading the game fix it but just thought you guys would want to no. srry if this is a duplicate report.

version 1.05

I just came here to report this same thing. I've got screenshots:

Built foundation out to them and a few items i was able to reel in a few. Went back to my main raft, turned around and most had depawned but a second later a new group of stuff spawned and immediately got stuck.

Not ALL are getting stuck. Most is still going through normal.

Hello. I had a glitch where the shark attacked through my raft and started biting a net. It started because I was standing in a net by accident and the shark started attacking me, when I moved out of the way, he swam through the raft and started biting.

Screen shot:

Also, not sure if this is a glitch or intended... But you can no longer fall into nets, but the game still considered you inside because your get fatigued and the shark can attack.

Thank you.


Thanks for reporting it, we will try and fix this

I was on a new world, still a 2x2 raft. The shark ate (Facing where the moon sets) the farther left foundation, and my raft dissapeared, so I was stuck floating about until i was eventually eaten. No idea what caused it, but was slightly annoying.

Not sure if this is a bug but as soon as i start planting trees, thatch stops spawning naturally


Items in net become invisible!


We are aware of this but do not know what is causing it

I downloaded the file "" loading up to 90% and the load stops, speed drops to 0 kb


Try downloading from a different browser, internet explorer maybe

So 2 bugs: one is that when i open my inventory and after moving something is automatically reselected and i cant choose anything else till i close my inventory.

The second one is that the game sometimes thinks that i am swimming but i am on my raft

The only time I get the 'fatigue'/swimming thing is when I'm walking over an item net. Are you getting this over normal foundation?

I concur w/Lethann, I am also getting the same thing over the nets.

Hi, I downloaded Raft and get the error that the Data Folder is not found. But the exe is next to the datafolder... Can someone help me please?

I believe if you click on the folder (.zipfile) and then click up top "Extract all", it should tell you where its going, and find it to open and start playing.


As BawlsDeep said, you need to extract the files from the zip before running the .exe

crashed when i expanded too far out to spawn kill the sharks.. :/

I have a bug that makes the spear unusable with the fishing rod model, so that way i can't use it to defend myself from a shark. :(

Does anyone know how to fix APPCRASH???




We have fixed this bug now :D Thanks!

V. 1.05 bug

I noticed that new items spawning in sometimes appear for a split second near the player, typically to the west where the items spawn. When they do, nearby item nets can actually catch the items, though they'll be invisible in the net and 'stuck' out in the water until they're harvested.


Wow, we have seen items stuck but we have not found the solution yet. Thanks alot for this :D

What you wrote is most likely the cause :D

Then I'm very glad to have helped! It's most noticeable with barrels since they clip through the raft, though it happens to all items; I've seen thatch pop into a net I was standing by and get stuck out in the water until I harvested it. Also, the items won't necessarily go to the net in their lane; they can go to any net regardless of location. I have not tested with nets behind one another, only those in the same row. I'm not sure if player location is key to this bug happening, either; my raft is much bigger now, and even when I'm relatively far from my item nets, I'll have bugged items in them. I think I have less overall, but again, I haven't tested this.

Thanks for the active work, I'm looking forward to the future of this game.

Não estou conseguindo baixar a ultima versão por completo, esta dando erro na rede... Tentei baixar em outros navegadores, mas continua com o mesmo erro...

(2 edits)

In Version 1.05: Win32

Items disappearing from chests, cooking station, water purifier.

Grown palm trees/beet/potato disappearing when saving and exit the game.

I get the "fatigue" thing when walking on foundation.

There's a bug where you will start getting fatigued even while standing on your raft.

I don't know if this bug has been reported but, while in water, if you keep jumping, your stamina meter wont empty at all.

Also, since last patch, i get bugged while walking really close to the water and it makes the character swim like it was in the water.

(3 edits) (+1)

I ran into a couple bugs (version 1.05)(winx64)

1. the shark continues to attack the foundation through the wall

2. kinda hard with floor tool out to go up the ramp, it seems like the green floor showing placement, is colliding with the character.


1. Think that the shark has always been able to do this :P

2. Thanks! This bug has now been fixed.

Updated to v1.0.5 Win-64 and now there are some items stuck around the item spawn area and can't be hooked or picked up.


(1 edit)

I don't think its my computer but it might be, when I just got the new updated version and the water is very messed up. It's weird.

I just found out its when you put your texture thing before the game starts to "good".

i am having the same issue, what did u do to fix it?

If you can make your game quality the best. (fantastic graphics) if you can't beautiful might work.

I just updated from 1.04 to 1.05 and when I got on it was lagging like crazy (2 fps) nothing to do with my PC, I tried on others

Do you know what is happening?

i got a bug when i play raft its a pink screen i dont know to fix it please fix that bug

Downloading Bug - unsure if this is in relation to Raft Dev's end, its defiantly not related to the game, but when ever i try to download, it fail's download, and if i attempt to retry the download it says 'Failed - Forbidden' so i have to start the download from the start, and just for it to fail again, i can see why it does this, as the download token key expires, i have tried downloading update 1.05, 7 times now, and the same result, i also cant use my download manager to download the game as it says, 407 HTTP error, as stated i doubt that this is Raft Devs issue, i believe its to do with Itch's downloading system, have tried Win32 version once and Win64 6 times, with still no avail, any point in the right direction would be great. :)


Some people have solved this problem by downloading in another browser. Try downloading it in Internet explorer

Thanks brother, will give it a shot now.

Left Clicking now makes me walk backwards... So now everytime I want to stab the shark or click something on the menu, I walk backwards. Its kind of funny, but it hinders me from playing... Please fix it...

A couple of things in V1.05. One, for some reason, after a brief period of time of playing the game, I see many resources that are stuck/piled up in one line(presumably at what would normally be their spawn points) that are not moving, nor capable of being picked up when I approach these objects. Secondly, after crashing from the game many times(probably due to noticeable lag and me doing something) I ended up losing my stuff from the chests, while the food that were left on the cooking stations and water purifiers disappeared, despite the fact that the food that I cooked(and the things in the treasure) was there when I saved. Is it possible for these problem to be fixed?

Thanks for your time!


is this a bug? sorry for poor potato quality.

This is a gpu/driver problem normally (artifacts on screen). Are you experiencing it in other graphics intensive games?

oddly no. Just raft. But then again, idk if WOW, LOL, swtor, mine craft, hearthstone, ect would count as intensive graphics:-/








Can't help you if you do not post in english...

Game bug you can't get out of the wood when you're on board.

So, I downloaded the game, but it just goes pink when I start the game O_O Like, there's little fires and they spin, but everything else is pink. I don't know why, I have re-downloaded the game 3 or 4 times and it's not fixing it.


You probably need to update your graphics card drivers and install Directx 11

cannot collect items from item nets

I have almost 100 items waiting to be salvaged from the nets but I cannot grab them... whenever I press E nothing happens

Did you try restarting your game?

When i (and my friends) were playing the game sometimes it happens that you fall through the foundation for a short moment(you can see the fatigue bar and the animation of your hands) and then you just pop back on top of the raft

There is a bug! Sometimes player swims on raft.

Been playing the game a few days now and want to say it's great, and great job.

One small issue I've noticed is that the new update 1.05 seems really resource heavy all of a sudden (I'm running an r9 390 and the fps counter varies between 1-14fps on highest settings). Could just be to do with the updated water but thought I'd pass it along?



We have not made any optimizations yet but we will try our best to make the fps better

I'm sure you'll keep on making the game better and brighter, looking good so far :)

I'll make sure I send over a donation this weekend

Also is there anywhere to send crash logs as well (or should I just delete it?)


My pc when starting the game in the initial part fo game all screen turns pink how to solve this bug

There is a pretty basic issue here with the hand model disappearing when the spear is equipped, this happens when you look on line with the horizon and pan the camera left or right with the spear equipped. This bug doesn't seem to happen with other items thankfully. A second issue within this video is the fact that i was receiving almost no floating debris, this continued for the rest of the play through until I eventually died from starvation because of this issue. I hope issues like these can be easily fixed in a future update as I have really enjoyed this game so far and see that it shows great potential, keep up the good work guys!

idk what happened but my spear is pointed upwards like you would hold a spear when youre not in combat and is stock there. i tried making a new spear but still stock in that "animation" os some sort. pls help my raft is defenseless

(1 edit) (+1)

V1.04 was working without any problems .. But now 1.05 with the new water texture i get this and i cant play the game !

i found that the problem has something to do with AMD Graphic card because when i tried it with Intel card the problem wasn't there .. but the Intel card isn't strong enough so i have to use the AMD .. PLEASE Fix this .


i'm running this on an Alienware M17xR3 with an intel core I7 with an intel HD graphics 3000....sigh....on an AMD configuration.

I think you are right. mine looks just like your picture..


We are not sure how to fix this at the moment. Make sure that you have Directx 11 installed and that you have your latest graphics card drivers.

i checked and i have both updated .

PLEASE try to find us a solution .. the V1.05 is unplayable for us .


When I go to download the error "network failure"

;p i pay 0.50 for this


Try downloading the game from a different browser

There is a bug or glitch when you are hitting, you can open the inventory en it keeps hitting without clicking ,at least is not a bad bug or glitch :3

Another thing is that when a collect materials from the nets,sometimes they appear invisible,and the net marks me that there is something and it not just one thing,sometimes is more then 3 materials that appear invisible.


OOoooo... Ooooo! I didn't notice this but I'll have to test it out. Quite a few of us have been reporting items stuck along the spawn point. Some others are reporting invisible items in the nets. I wonder if these are related now. Perhaps items getting caught in the nets are having their visuals spring back to the spawnpoint but the reason why they can't be picked up is because they are actually in the nets! I remember after building my bridge out to the stuck items that I came back to my raft and next time I looked all the stuck stuff was gone. Maybe that's because I had emptied my nets! Must go test this out!

Some of the items can be picked up and are still forzen, just thought id mention it.


My Item Nets dont work. They are collecting Items but if i try to pick them up it doesnt give me the items and they are still in the net.

If i fall in item net i can swim underwater and under the foundation but i cannot get up pls fix it i died 3 times bcz it (I suggest to make it to can't fall in him)

(2 edits)

i notice while playing on low quality that barrels will randomly disappear when looking away

i also notice that resources will do it sometimes

i also notice that items in the net will sometimes be invisible (happen mostly when looking away but does sometime happen when looking)

Can I delete the files from 1.04 or do I lose my save files by doing that?

you won't delete your saves as those are kept somewhere else.

Where do I find them? For a safety backup :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Bug Fadigue

Sometimes this bug happens when I'm walking through the foundation. The fatigue counter appears on the top, and this only appeared when it was in water in version 1.04, but in this new version is also appearing out of water.

Got the same

I got a trouble in the version 1.05. The barrels spawn on the horizon but they don't approach the raft and they are too far to be got by the hook.

I built a bridge to where the items spawn, and most of them can not be caught, it's like they render in the video but were not there really.

There are invisible items in the net, i don't know if there are any in the net until I hover over and it says collect, this is not for all items tho, I would say the ratio of visible and invisible is about 70-30. Apart from that all good. <3 keep the good work up.


Thanks, we have figured out why now and we will fix this bug :D

I can't figure out how to search these threads, so if this has been posted before, my apologies.

I'm fairly convinced this isn't a bug related to my hardware, but here's my information, just the same:

  • Windows 8.1 pro, 64-bit
  • Intel Core i7 3820 @ 3.60GHz
  • 16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3
  • 3071MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
Raft version: 1.05, 64-bit.

When crafting: If the material has more than one stack and the first stack in the inventory has less than the amount needed for the item being crafted, the smaller stack will be deducted, as well as the full amount from the next stack in the inventory.

Example: I want to craft a chest, so I'll need 8 planks and 10 scrap. In my inventory, I have two full stacks of planks, and a stack of 5 scrap as well as a full stack of scrap, in that order. When I have crafted the chest, I'll have a stack of 2 planks as well as a full stack, and I'll have no scrap left. If I make another chest, where the full stack is before the half stack, only the full stack will be deducted.

Smaller example: I want to craft a rope, which takes 2 thatch. I have a single thatch, as well as a full stack of thatch in my inventory. When I've crafted 1 rope, I'll have a stack of 8 thatch left. Same as above, if the full stack is in front of the single thatch, there is no problem.

How to reproduce: Just put a stack that contains less than you need for an item you want to craft in front of a stack that has the needed amount or more.


Thanks, will test this and try and fix it.

I have had the exact same thing, i actually came here to report it but i see you beat me too it. Ive noticed it mainly with the chests and the scrap used to make them. I had 27 scrap on me at one point, i made a chest and ended up with 0, not sure what caused it to use 2 full stacks as well as stack of 7.

Hello I am having an issue with not being able to empty my nets. It started after the new update. The first time I played it would let me empty the nets but not let me collect items I hooked. Now the second time I'm playing I'm having the opposite issue.

(2 edits)

I apologise if this bug was already found

There's this bug where when you craft any item, it will consume extra unnecessary materials only if you have 2 slots or more of the required material needed to craft that item. Here's how the bug occurs: If Slot A is full (max. 10) and Slot B contains less than the amount required to craft the item, crafting the item will make the game ignore Slot B and instead subtract the required materials from Slot A, at the same time consuming Slot B.

Imagine this scenario: I want to craft a nail, which requires 3 scrap metal. I have 2 slots of scrap metal – one is full (slot A), the other contains only 1 (slot B), so total 11 scrap metal.

By crafting the nail, the game ignores the slot B, since it contains less than the required material, and at the same time consumes it, then subtracts the amount required from slot A. Thus I will have only 7 scrap metal left.

Another scenario: I wanna craft a spear which requires 4 scrap metal. I have 13 scrap metal in total so I will have 1 slot with a full stack of 10 and another slot containing 3.

By crafting the spear, since the slot containing 3 has less than the amount required (4), the game will ignore and consume it and then subtract the amount required from the full stack. Thus I will have only 6 scrap metal left.

I've tested this bug with the spear, hatchet, rope, empty tin can and the nail and it produced above result. I assume that this bug applies to all other items as well.

Edit1: version 1.05

Edit2: This bug was present in the previous version as well.


Posted the same bug just two posts above you xD

Did you try switching the two stacks around? If I remember to manage my inventory, I'll keep the partial stack second and the full stack first. It's a work-around, but it's annoying <.<

Oh my bad! i'm new to this community and i can't find a way to navigate efficiently through the sea of bug reports. i saw your post and you explained the occurrence of the bug better than i did.

I switched the stacks around and yes it did solve the problem. However, it can be as you mentioned quite annoying. I tried this in Version 1.04 on my MacBook. I'm unable to use my windows computer at the moment but I assume it works too since it worked on yours (:


Yeah, as I wrote in my own post, I have no idea how to search these threads :) - Was just funny because it was one post apart ;P


Thanks! We will fix this

(1 edit)

Every time i load the things in the chest disappear PLS FIX IT!


What version are you playing, this was a known bug in 1.04 but it should be fixed in 1.05

have you thought about making this game for console??

We will release a new Update soon

hey dude u got discord?

hey dude can u dm me player_<3#1112

I was trapped under the raft and slipped under the world and died. video available on youtube. I make backup saves, hope you don't mind.

can i play

Can you be clearer on the controls? I died 5 times because I don't know how to drink ):(

Hello, my game crashes as soon as I try to start it. How could I fix it, all help is aapreciated. If I cannot fix it could someone link me an older download.

Hi. This is a very nice game. I have the 64x Windows 1.0.5 version and i'm stuck in a foundation. I was placing it when i was in that area. Now i'm stuck and i don't know what to do. And i don't want to delete the game.

Mam taki problem że gdy uruchamiam rafta psuje mi się grafika. cały ekran robi mi sie fioletowy i nic nie idzie zrobić tak jak by woda sie popsuła .Prosze O pomoc :)

Killed a shark, harvested shark meat, went to get mackerel off stove -> game crashed. (I may have had full inventory?)

(1 edit) (+1)


@Raft Developer .. Here is a suggestion to fix this problem .. :

try to upload the same game files/update but with the old water texture (the one from v1.04) for us to try .. just the file that contain the water texture so we can replace the one we have now .. that might fix it . cuz i think the "new water" is the problem here.

Desculpa atormenta mas n ta dando para baixar o jogo sera porque ??? tem como arumar nem eu e meus amigos

Since I have gotten the V 1.5 update, The water has rainbow static where the sun reflections are supposed to be. It worked fine before I got the update.

i need help i can´t to download the the new vesion of the game for win 10,64 bits its download error can you help me?

Why has the water bug for AMD graphic card users still not fixed? yeah, shark floating or spear glitch is annoying, but the water bug is literally game breaking for AMD players.


I can not download the game! When I'm going to download, it's forbidden to help me.


i have a problem that there is the items that float ,and they just stucked, but more items are moving to my nets.

its not ruin something but its just annoying,

ps: i also can drop the hook and grab them.

(1 edit)

First off, I absolutley LOVE this game! I searched for this problem and surprisingly did not see it:

My game crashes CONSTANTLY. [I have the windows 64bit version, i guess ill try the 32 bit]

Sometimes when this happens, I log back in and then all of my croplots are empty along with my chests


Sometimes items are in the nets but do not physically appear

There are items that are visible in the distance, but I am not able to pick up

when coward the itemes in a chest and you save the game and exit when enter in your world the itemes are not in chest. SOLEVE FAST!!

(1 edit)

You can't kill the shark with a spear because after a while the spear lose his power and texture.

And if you hold a item net you can hold items in it without placing it down.


for some reason i can not collect my nets, i have to break them with an ax to collect the items.


I've run into a bug where sometimes when I log back in all of my stored items are gone. Anything in a chest, a crop plot (including trees), a cooking apparatus (any food I was cooking and any tin cans I had in water purifiers), etc. It keeps all of the items in my inventory and in the nets (I think), as well as any objects I've placed or structures I've built, but nothing else.


This has already being reported above.

Am I supposed to read all ~600 posts in this thread before I make a post myself, or should I actually tell the developers the problem I'm having? The only ones I saw similar to mine involved game crashes, and my game never crashed, it just happened randomly. Seems different enough to me. If this exact thing has been reported before, I'm sorry. But, it's way too difficult to go through and find another post exactly like mine, when I can just post it myself.

(1 edit)

When you build water in the water, hit when the construction of the raft, you will be in the water and wood law can not come out, NO.2press the space bar is useless. You can't cut with an axe. This is the v1.05 of bug. and v1.04 is the point that sharks are entities? So he will take you to the top, the raft in the water sector is stuck on the raft and, as picture 1 shows.NO.1



Saved game 10 min before I died

Save game won't let me load ~ "Dead"

I have to start over again on purpose or bug?


You have to start again yeah it isn't a bug. Your character has died so you can't play that game anymore. So watch your food and drink!


I tried to press the subscribe button but it would not let me

When i'm in the game like 3 mins into the gameplay my inventory won't open anymore only when i go back to the menu and back in the gameplay. I think this is a bug.

Merhaba. Öncelikle ingilizcem iyi olmadığı için türkçe yazıyorum. Oyunda oluşan bir bug sıkıntısı var. Belli bir süre sonra "e" tuşuna basılmıyor ağdan nesne çekerken. Takılıp kalıyor orada nesneler. Her oyunumda belli bir süre sonra oluyor. Bu arada oyunu çok sevdim onu da belirtmek isterim. Saygılarımla

"The game crashed.

The crash report folder named "2017-01-28_131636" next to the game executable.

It would be great if you'd send it to the developer of the game"


Hı im find a bug. A bug is a chest(Storage)bug.I play online with my friend and we put equipment into chest(Storage) and quit server and we repeat join the server ,we look chest but we dont see equipment and we see same to the problem in a harvest

Version 1.05 There is a bug in this version when you are going to put a floor, when you already have one floor applied, the other one gets on it causing a texture bug. (Translated text from Portuguese to English by google translator)
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