Thanks for at least clicking to read this. So, I've had this problem for awhile and just kind of worked around it. It's been this way for a few app updates now, and I think it's time I mention it.
The downloading window preview thumbnail completely covers the buttons down there. I can't seem to do anything about it. Of course, I can easily be completely blind to simple settings... but I've looked pretty extensively for a fix for this. At the bottom I've placed an image, should more easily describe the exact problem. ( Which likely has an easy fix. ) The red arrows are the small nubs I've been using to access those buttons.
These buttons were slaved over by someone. These were images that someone fought hard with their muse to produce graphical nirvana that is those which have been hidden from me. It has been so long that they've hidden I no longer remember the sweet curves of their design.
Help me. Help them. Help the designers. Free the buttons.
Thank you.
( Pretty clear the issue. Just to recap, that image is covering my buttons, can't seem to get rid of or to move it. Been dealing with it forever, probably an easy fix. Thanks for the help. )