Hi, what is the difference between asset forge 2 and deluxe? what if i buy deluxe will there be an asset forge 2 deluxe ?
will the parts from deluxe be available in 2 after i have the deluxe version?
There's two versions of Asset Forge, the standard version and the deluxe version. The only difference between the two is that the deluxe version contains about 10% additional blocks, features and updates are the same. Asset Forge 2(.0) is the latest version which is a free upgrade, it's currently in preview for Windows but will also be released for both MacOS and Linux.
Not really, it changes per update. I haven't updated the block display on that page just yet but over the last couple of months there's been several updates adding new blocks to both the standard and deluxe version. The number (10%) is an estimate, get the deluxe version only if you're willing to support the development of Asset Forge.