Have thoughts about the game? A cute set up you want to post pics of? Suggestions? Here is a good spot for that.
it would be cool if there was a multi plant nursery that held 2 or 3? plants so you could multi study ( of course it would be more costly but time saving when hunting for good trait plants ) it could even grow multiple plants from seeds? maybe it would be called "mini plant lab" or something like that
this is a far out idea but it would be really cool if you could cross-breed plants so you would combine their traits almost though obviously not everything would mix perfectly and could add some mutations it would just be cool to mix up two Cactuses for their unique traits and get something like both but also different in its own way maybe on a tool called "Breeder" I dunno I just really think it would be cool
also Venus fly traps?
dang, so sorry to hear you lost your save. that's the worst. it might be related to the Cactus Lamp bug? Can you email me the details at the support email (help.ovrfull@gmail.com) and I'll try to figure it out? worst case scenario i'll find a way to get you a bunch of extra blossoms so you can rebuild quick.
You might want to look into having a way for the players to download their save file periodically (I think cookie clicker does this but I think they are using Javascript). Not sure if it would work with your set up, but it might be worth checking into since I'm assuming a lot of updates will be happening with the popularity of this game. That way if someone loses their save data, they can import their last save file and not lose everything!
It would be fun if you had achievements or badges. Something else to work towards. The To Do list was great but it ran it's course pretty quickly.
Some achievement ideas:
I think it would be great if you could then add a wall art/item to place on the shelves for the more hard to achieve goals. That way when you take pictures of your rooms you can display that rare wall art. I know you have the pot colors that kinda work for this but still would be neat to have a rare trophy that shows like if you got all the 5 star plant types!
I know that is a lot to ask. But maybe down the road sometime.
Ohhh.. one of the next rooms you should add is an outdoor space. Since this is an apartment - maybe just a balcony. Maybe look into plants that only bloom at night.
I'd love curtains added to the windows/store so I can fill an entire room with Cave Blossoms. Also, as sususudio showed, an adjustment to the Plant Rack so we can still see the plants properly would be great. Definitely want portable save files at some point. Thanks for all the work you've done already.
the other thing that kinda bugs me is the to do list. the tasks do not reward enough for your troubles most of the to dos cost more to do than is what is rewarded sure 5 bucks back on a 25 dollar (or star coin or whatever its called) purchase is great but usually the reward for a task nets you more than the task costs at least this is the case in all games ever made
About the plant seeds: Is there any correspondence between the last five number of the plant seeds and the trait levels/number/types? I know the second number of the seed determines the type of plant, but are the last five just randomized with random outcomes? I've been doing a little bit of research but I've only found a few similarities, and those may just be coincidences. Can anyone verify this?
Humidifier (item) has a radius like the lamps, allows mushrooms to be in other rooms. Cost 50
Humidifier (furniture) takes a furniture spot but covers the whole room and allows 1 - 4 plants to sit on top. Cost 400
Bathroom mirror, if placed in light, can reflect medium light further into the room. (Just for fun because I assumed it would have some kind of effect like that since it was a quest to get one. It wouldn't be more useful than a lamp)
Curtains can be placed over windows to soften or completely block light. (I know someone else said this but I thought of it too) Cost 150
Album to auto-save a pic of the plants we can eventually mulch. Could be furniture, item, or another tab next to inventory. (I might not need to keep every no star cactus I grow, but I do get sentimental) Cost 400
Mulch plants we don't want anymore, to get fertilizer that speeds the growing process of new plants (until they're adults/flowered) Could be a button next to 'stash' on the plant detail page. Fertilizer would be another currency, which you would apply to each new plant on their detail page. Cost 10 petals and a plant to make 1 fertilizer.
Sell plants we don't want anymore, to get leaves/petals. Either 2x buy price or 1/2 buy price, just depends if you wanna make it harder or easier lol.
Pot defaults. Option under settings to set pot color and style for each type of plant as default when buying new plants. (Someone else said this, I'm just seconding the motion)
Option to Auto set pot color to Max 🌟star🌟 level after study.
Super science desk. Furniture where you can destroy a plant to extract one of its star traits to stick into another plant. Limited by having to grow a new plant from that trait, so all else is random just like usual. Cost 1000. Could allow for growing multiple plants from the same trait. (Example: destroy a team player. Can now grow another team player a la nursery. As long as you don't destroy another plant for another trait, you can continue to grow team players) takes as long as studying.
If you add curtains to this game I'll donate $5
I'm posting a minorly editted version of a post I made sorta liveblogging playing this just because (it's a wild day).
I didn’t expect to spend today playing a game called Plant Daddy until I ‘beat’ it but I sure as hell did.
This is a really good time muncher and calming little pass time. A+ stuff, highly recommended.
This was fun :) It’s not too deep, but for a FREE game this is sensationally done.
If I were to push for a sequel, I’d say add a story to the life goals updating, and even more randomized plants not that I ever ran out, and definitely more variety in plant species or supplementary stuff for decorating (little pets? amphibians for the damp area?) but this was a fantastic time. Gotta say thanks to the person in charge.
I'm usually one to format my thoughts a bit more, but today's not the day sadly. Thank you for creating and sharing this work and I hope you have a good one :)
Hey developer, thank you for creating such a fun game!! I came across it in the Racial Justice bundle and fell in love - and got my partner to buy the bundle so we can now exchange seed codes :P
I was wondering, is there a list of what the traits mean?? Like, what "good team player" or "mysterious aura" indicates. I thought it was just flavor text originally, but does it actually impact the way the plant looks / grows?
P.S. The random generated kitchy posters are the beeeest x'D
I dunno if anyone else has mentioned this but I just wanna say that on top of all the cute plants you can raise as well as some of the excellent jokes hidden in the item flavour text (or the items themselves in regards to the Kitchy Poster) I love the background story that plays out in the smaller Life Stuff list.
It really hit me how this game is not only about raising colourful plants but also about someone who has been going through a hard time and is using plant care as a way to pull themselves out of a dark place.
Although I'm still playing the game to get some of those elusive 5 star plants I like to think I already beat the story mode when the last 3 items on that personal list were:
•Call Dan, explain
•Bike down to the lake again
•Only drink socially
I hope the player character crosses that last item off their list in the future.
Thanks again for a heartfelt game. I look forward to what you make next!
I loved this game! could you make more rooms and/or plants? also, what is the refrigerator for? But especially, please make more plants, and maybe you could make them take longer? Like a plant that takes a loooooooong time to produce so you have to exit and wait a while. I love the nurseries too. thank you for making this awesome game!
User Interface suggestion: I am constantly clicking on the little leaves and blossoms counter at the bottom instead of the basket at the top. Any chance they could be next to each other, or combine them into 1 single button? It feels extremely intuitive to click on the leaves and blossoms to "spend" them.
Hi, I don't know if this has been mentioned, but a "Recycle All" button would be great for the inventory section.
I also would really like a "move mode" option where you can move plants/furniture around without zooming in and out every time. I would love to organize my plants in different ways, but the zooms set off my motion sickness like nobody's business.
Brady is this an Easter egg or a bug: In the bathroom, when you put plants in the shower, you don't need to water them. Why???
I really enjoy this but it would be nice to have a new outdoor room for bigger plants. Probably have a tree slot, bamboos, running vine plants, etc. You can make the Outdoor bigger where you can scroll on the screen and add zoom in and out feature. And maybe have consequences i you dont water plants that need to be watered so people don't drop the game after getting their rooms filled.
There should be a rare trait where the plant is abnormally big or small. It would also be cool if you could have XP or experience to level up and unlock different furniture or plants. Another idea I have is to breed plants so you can make really bizarre plants like a Tiny Cactus Tree. Love the game btw
I absolutely LOVE this game. One thing though: I just noticed that the physics on the shower curtain when you open/close it get REALLY wonky at high speeds (albeit it's pretty fun to just swing it open and closed and see all of reality become encompassed by FISH). I don't know if this is intentional or whatever, but in case it isn't supposed to be this way, I thought I might as well let you know.
Could there be new weathers? For now i see only rain and sun, but what if there would be snow and others? Also it would be fun if opening the windows would affect the plants, like if a bee flies into your room your plants could get a bit of a boost, opening a window in rain could make the room dirty and you would have to clean it or your plants would grow slower, idk just an idea :>
When you get a new plant, you study it on the plant nursery and if it has a special trait, it will get a star by its name (Depending on how many traits, there will be more stars). When you have the stars, you can choose a special plant pot for that plant only rather than the normal five. I got the picture attached to show you a two-star plant as well.
Can i suggest adding more dark plants like the cave blossom? Or maybe some orchids? My game has currently 27 different cave blossoms and nothing else haha
Specifically the black orchid or 'orquidea negra' as a flower in the game, possibly on the same page as desert beauty and lil' mushroom? With a price of around 70 pink flowers and 15 green leaves, orchids arent commonly used in games but i think they would fit right in, in this hidden gem of a game!
Just a suggestion though haha
Side note: what if the orchids had a special rare trait that only was for orchids? Like a thing that makes double the money, or it becomes really really flowery or tall?
I love this game ! I've been obscessed with the mushrooms, I want to make a whole rainbow of them ! And also hopefully get one as rare as possible ? My best one is the top left one, 3 stars (the five star don't count, I've picked it from the seeds forum).
I'm rebooting my PC soon, so this post is to honor all the plants I've grown.
I'll play it again, can't wait to see my human grow through life again, as well as my plants