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Why i´ve been banned from any jam?

A topic by Munguía created Feb 20, 2020 Views: 1,013 Replies: 15
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Hello, i dont know no one here for asking help,

i been in itchio since 7 years ago, and i been in 22 jams, but since some one banned me i´m not even in past jams, and jams on the future my work is not accepted, but Why? i thought this was a friendly place for honest game makers artists, but you need to be friend of powerful admins


Please try to post in the right spot, we have a separate board for account support. Maybe not reading the rules in our community is a good indicator why you may have been banned from jams? Do not submit to random jams just to promote your game, if we receive multiple reports from jam hosts about you abusing jams then your account will be blocked from participating in jams.

Link to our community rules:



So you banned me from all jams because a jam, nice place, so you check my games and found them all out of rules, even those i been 6 years ago, or just it chio belives in any hatter, i have no found any friend in this site, now i know i been hatted from any jam i´ve been, sorry for try to be a game jammer, you got the power to let me feel BAD DEVELOPER, and jam ABUSER, come on?

Admin (2 edits) (+1)

If you can confirm that you will read and confirm that your game is eligible for submissions to jams we can reinstate your jam submission permissions. But if we get more reports about your account then we will not be so flexible. Jams are an important part of and we need to make an effort to ensure that people participating are being respectful of the hosts.

The punishment is strict because we have zero tolerance for people who try to spam. It wastes everyone’s time.

i though this was a friendly site for HONEST DEVELOPERS, i dont want to play in a place im not feel sure,  so you need proves, play my games, and not only my games here get my site and check all ITCHIO logos i put, widgeds and more,  im tattally RIGHT ON RULES FOR ALL 22 JAMS YOU BANNED ME, need proves, ask proves on those you truly belive, those who report me, those real honest game makers,

SO you said my games are SPAM, i always been a nice votes, alwayz friendly on posting others games, my game on a jam play and vote by 5 - 10 users, check my history, on any jam i play with my sons like 30 games,  i bring my SON TO THIS SITE , i dont feel rescpectfull for my work here

Deleted 4 years ago
Admin moved this topic to Questions & Support

I made more than 200 games, only 30 publish here, so you said  i submit to random jams just to promote my games, here my games are played just for 6-10 users, then i publish my game in my networks with an ITCHIO LOGO, not for 6 plays like ITCHIO gaves me, for 10000s i  promote this site on my games i made from jams on this site, i make games for jams for fun, for learning, but you called me, i recive a email on yahoo. telling me theres a CHicken jam host on the site, i said cool, i made an small game with chickens and chicken jams admns report me and ADMIN LEAFO banned me from all the jam i+ve been, since 7 years ago, two hundreds of games  i made, many way to promove my art work world wide, but you think i need to promove my game in from of 6 people by posting my weekly game jam play.


If you can confirm that you’ll be more careful about the jams you submit to then we can help restore your jam permissions.


My personal SITE has an ITCHIO LOGO EVERYWHERE, so i post my games here to make my self promo, i make ITCHIO PROMO ON MY SITES 

(2 edits)

CHeck my site and look for ITCHIO LOGOS

I make a nokia game just to promove my self on a nokia 3310jam, please, check, the game is featured on NEwgrounds, it starts with a ITCHIO NOKIA 3310 JAM LOGO, only 6 users play the game here on ITCHIO; now more people play it on other site, MY SELF FOOL respectful of this site, making promotions with logo, because im a TRULY HONEST ARTIST WHO LIKE MAKING GAMES IN JAMS, but ITCHIO HATES ME

Check your Logo on KONGREGATE

Check your Logo on NEwgrounds



We do not hate you. Being hostile is not going to help resolve the issue. We just ask that you be careful when submitting to jams. If you can confirm that then we can re-instate your account. Thanks

YOU STARTED THE HOSTIL way, I DONT WANT TO RE INSTATE MY ACCOUNT, you NEED TO APOLLOGIZE TO ME, im an HONEST ARTIST,  you loose my respect, is you ITCHIO the one who disrespect me; PLAY ALL  MY GAMES AND CHECK RULES ONE BY ONE, I KNOW IM TRUE, be honest, you offended me out of NOTHING


Chicken Jam is a jam for tabletop games only. You submitted a video game.

So funny, dont make wasted my time any more, i working on my actual game right now, to publish somerwhere else, some place where people respect me more than here.

Admin (1 edit)

There’s nothing funny about this. I believe you made an honest mistake, but for some reason you’re being incredibly aggressive when all we ask is for you to be more careful about the jams you submit to. Please read over the jam page and confirm before submitting. I’ve restored your account since I think you’ll be more aware of this in the future.


Deleted 4 years ago

Please do not post in other people’s topics your own account issue. You’re notifying the original poster when you do this, not a site moderator or admin.

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